Digest for July 2017


This month I shared Tom Scott’s video about backdooring WhatsApp, the viral video of the brave Mormon tween coming-out to her congregation, and two (1, 2) excellent Oglaf comics. From a content-production perspective, I was in a bit of a dry spell.

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Something old, something new

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

I’m back after a long hiatus, with a new baby and (at least some of) the same old struggles. Big Bobbin is now 6 (six!) years old (how did that happen?) and New Moo is 9 months. While I was out shopping this morning, the woman at the checkout in the charity shop said “hello,…

The Most Skipped Step When Opening a Relationship

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

You’ve had hundreds of hours of discussions on what your open relationship will look like? Check!

You’ve written down a list of limits, boundaries, rules, and expectations? Check!

You’ve created dating profiles that honestly detail what you are looking for and the honesty with your existing relationship? Check!

You’ve read at least 3 books together on the topic of nonmonogamy? Check?

You and your partner subscribe and listen to at least 3 nonmonogamous friendly podcasts? Check!

You’re all set! You open up the relationship and go off on your first dates… WHAM, arguing, suspicion, jealousy, withholding information, yelling, crying, breaking down… and a month later, you believe you don’t know each other anymore and you’re ready to call a marriage counsellor, divorce, forget you ever opened up your relationship, or all of the above.

What the hell happened?…

Love Is Love Is Love Is… [cut the mike]

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

This week, a video of a 12-year-old girl coming out as gay to her Mormon congregation in Eagle Mountain, Utah, went viral — and it’s easy to understand why. Savannah is adorable. She wears a red tie, which is already a statement, since wearing pants to church as a woman can be controversial. She stands in front of a room of adults delivering her testimony about how her Heavenly Parents “did not mess up when they gave me freckles. Or when they made me gay. God loves me just this way because I believe that he loves all of his creations.”

12-year-old girl comes out as gay to her Mormon congregation

Digest for June 2017


This month I talked about a roleplaying campaign that I’d been running, found a geocache near our holiday accomodation, and shared research on user testing, subpixel rendering in CSS, and one of the first of what would ultimately turn out to be several plans Theresa May came up with by which to attempt to fuck everything up.

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Dan Q found GLR9ZJ3Z T’drath #4

This checkin to GLR9ZJ3Z T'drath #4 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

A gentle walk yesterday evening brought us here (although we briefly overshot, engaged as we were deep in conversation and having forgotten to enable the proximity beeper on my GPSr). Spent a little time hunting in a convincing-looking place that turned out to be wrong before the hint gave us a clue and – after the peeling back of some branches to be able to see the thing that the hint referred to – sent us in the right direction. Lovely night for it, and we managed to get back to our accommodation in good time to avoid the start of the rain.

Dan Q found GLR9ZHJJ T’drath #5

This checkin to GLR9ZHJJ T'drath #5 reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Our second holiday in Newport and a chance to hunt for a handful of the caches we’d missed last time around. A short walk by my partner fleeblewidget and I yesterday evening brought us to an easy find here on a road we’ve walked several times before. TFTC.