Mapping the MegaLounges: how much should be exposed?

This self-post was originally posted to /r/MegaLoungesArmy. See more things from Dan's Reddit account.

A few months ago, when the MegaLounges were fewer, I drew a map; censored parts of it so as not to reveal secrets, and posted it to several levels of the MegaLounge structure: e.g. in Mega3, in Mega6, in MegaX. I exposed a complete map of my understanding at the time (which turned out to have a few errrors) in the separate stream /r/MegaManLounge, and received two pieces of criticism:

  1. Some people who saw lots of the map wished they hadn’t seen as much (they wanted more surprises).
  2. Some people who saw censored maps said that they wished they’d been able to see more.

I keep promising to remake maps – improved maps, with lots of new knowledge as well as information about “side” lounges (like this!) that aren’t part of the main MegaLounge track but are relevant to their history. But if I do:

  • What should I show? (to make them useful)
  • What should I hide? (to make them un-spoilery)

I’d love to hear people’s thoughts.

Update: I’ve now updated my map – you’ll find fresh copies in Mega3 and in a handful of other, higher lounges. Happy exploring!


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