This checkin to GLE5G6ZM Route Canal - Concrete Jungle reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Beautifully, deviously hidden. This is what I love about geocaching. Thanks for the cache.
This checkin to GLE5G6ZM Route Canal - Concrete Jungle reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Beautifully, deviously hidden. This is what I love about geocaching. Thanks for the cache.
This checkin to GLE5G3A7 Route Canal - Plough View reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Thanks for the maintenance! This was a lot easier to find than my previous attempt, when a nearby muggle boater kept trying to make conversation with me. TFTC!
This checkin to GLE5FVW1 Never at Sea - Grog reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Second time lucky! The woman in the shop was watching me with suspicion, so I had to wait until she was distracted by a customer before I moved the obstacles between me and the cache. Nice hiding place!
This checkin to GLE5FQXP Oxford University - Wellington Square reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Nice hiding spot! Cache lid a little loose-fitting, and wasn’t closed properly when I found it, but I’ve tried to put it back on as firmly as possible now. TFTC.
This checkin to GLE5DKXT Beaumont Palace reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
Second time lucky! I’d been very close last time around, but simply hadn’t sighted the obvious clue! No pencil in cache and my pen’s not working so as proof I took the cache a short walk away (so as not to put accidental spoilers in the background) and took a picture of it in my hand.
Thanks for the cache!
This checkin to GLE5DH2D Oxford's Sunken Cathedral reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
I’ve come past a few times before but this drizzly afternoon was the first occasion that it’s not been muggled to death. Nice easy find; TFTC.
This checkin to GC38V3R Off Yer Trolley - Bicester reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
How frustrating: a group of people are sat in a car parked RIGHT NEXT TO the cache. I took a Walsh around the corner and found the excellent Pointless Pathway, then came back to find them still just sitting here. Guess I’m not finding this one today…
This checkin to GLE5095Y Pointless Pathway reflects a log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.
What a wonderful little secret place buried away so close to civilization. Funny: I cycled right past the end of this pathway on my first ever geoHASHING expedition, almost three months ago, and never thought to look for caches on my way. It’s only now, having arrived earlier than expected for a medical appointment, that I got to come find this cache.
Log’s plastic bag is torn; log beginning to get damp.
This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.