Red Black Dwarf Adder Night IV

Red Black Dwarf Adder Night IV, at which we’ll be watching the fourth series of Red Dwarf and concluding the second series of Blackadder, will be this Thursday at 7pm, at The Cottage. We might also have a Jeramiah Night on Friday.

Why nothing earlier in the week? Well; two reasons – firstly, Claire‘s got deadlines all of this week up to Thursday, and second, I’m taking the opportunity to rebuild and rewire the entire living room, which might take a day or two.

As always, our door is open to folks who just want to say hi, but don’t expect to be entertained before Thursday night. See you then!


It’s been a busy weekend. Aside from all the usual stuff, Claire, Beth, Jimmy, Rory, Gareth, Penny and I travelled down to Oakwood (where we met up with Andy and Sian) for a round of play at the last remaining Crystal Maze Cyberdrome and a visit to Oakwood Theme Park. I’ve uploaded some pictures to Abnib Gallery: Oakwood, and if you’ve got any photos that you took while you were there, I’d appreciate it if you’d give me copies there too! (on which note: there are people who haven’t yet uploaded their photos to the 99 Red Balloons gallery: shame on you!)

Wow; that was a link-heavy paragraph.

We started at The Crystal Maze, registering ourselves as two teams, with Beth, Sian, Rory, Penny and I in the first team (Team Moo!) and Claire, Jimmy, Gareth and Andy in the other (Team Awesome!). Each team was issued with a plastic “swipe card” which can be swiped through any of the little card readers hidden around the themed zones of the maze, causing clues to appear on a nearby screen about where you need to go to play your next game, or checking you in to a game that you’re due to play.

The games range from the cheesy to the clever. Some are computer game-style remakes of genuine Crystal Maze games (using a trackball to drag-and-drop cogs onto pegs). Some provide clever theming and interactivity for multiple players (with one, for example, climbing up a ladder to move a computerised blowpipe, and others able to see on a separate screen which targets need to be hit). Some even involve physical activity (hopping on numbered stepping stones as your team solve riddles, swinging over a chasm to press buttons, or wriggling between a maze of hanging poles without touching any). It’s a great deal of fun, although it runs on genuinely ancient technology – an IPX network of DOS 386SX computers, each with 2MB of RAM, talking to a central server – although it’s well-built: when the machines (finally) rebooted they let us carry on exactly where we left off. Our team managed to crash two of them, causing them to completely lock up, which slowed us down in our race for crystals: we ended up with 30 seconds less in the crystal dome than our opponents, and I feel that this alone is to blame for us getting a handful less gold credits than them at the end. That and Beth had never seen The Crystal Maze before (can you believe it!) – that has to count for something.

Claire points out a lit button to Gareth, in the dome

The dome itself is about the size of a medium-to-large family tent, and is more like just the top half of the real dome in it’s shape. Around the walls illuminated buttons flicker on and off, and the aim is to press them when they are on and not when they are off. Occasionally, all the lights will turn off, and the players have to find the two small illuminated buttons near the floor and press them simultaneously to make the game continue, which provides some variety. It’s a great, furious, leap-around end to the activity, and it – like the rest of the experience – was a lot more fun than I expected.

Claire in the dome

Certificates in hand, we made a move 200 yards up the road to Oakwood Theme Park. The park is small and economical, as theme parks go, but it’s size isn’t a huge disadvantage, as it means that there’s actually time to do everything you might want to (perhaps a few things twice) without running around or putting excessive effort into planning a careful route. We rode the miniature railway into the heart of the park, and, as everybody got their bearings, Penny, Gareth and I decided to ride Vertigo, a 135-foot tall skycoaster (i.e. a giant swing).

Vertigo being winched up

A crane pulled up the harness (into which the three of us were strapped – like a giant sleeping bag with Gareth in the middle), and, after it reached the top, staff on the ground counted down… 3… 2… 1. I pulled the “ripcord”, a toggle by my right-hand side, and we dropped.

The first couple of seconds are a lot like parachuting, in my experience: a sudden shock of falling, followed by deceleration as the swing (or the parachute) begins to take effect. There’s the immediate shock of the rapidly-approaching and oh-so-near ground, but apart from that, it’s a very similar feeling. Then the swing begins, and there’s a sensation of moving very quickly and very close to the ground. We unlinked our arms and (perhaps with the exception of Penny, who gripped her harness tightly for some time) reached out in a Superman-like pose, and soared back up into the air. Elementary physics dictated that we’d swing almost as high again, but it still surprised me, and suddenly falling “backwards”, back towards my feet, was quite a remarkable change and only added to the buzz of the flight.

The rest of the park was good, too. Megafobia is a fast, aggressive wooden rollercoaster with a great deal of difference in the experience of sitting at the front or the back of the train. Speed (or, as we called it, The Phallus, owing to it’s unusual shape) is a fun little vertical-drop coaster with a loop and a barrel roll: it’s a little short, and the queue a little long (for some reason, they were only operating one of the four trains they had available) – it’s well-worth fighting for a place at the front, though, as the view is significantly better. The water slides (on which you ride a plastic boat that skims like a stone across water), the Treetops mini-coaster, “The Bounce,” and the pirate ship all add to the “thrill rides” selection of the park, which had always previously seemed to me to be a bit “too kiddy.” Even the pedal boats were fun, after a fashion – assuming you ignore the pain Jimmy and I had of repeatedly pumping your knees into your chest in a too-small, too-hard seat, right after a cheeseburger lunch.

Rory at the Crystal Maze experience

And then there’s Hydro. It only opened in the afternoon, which was a pity, because we could have been using that time to dry out… Hydro is the wettest “wet ride” I’ve ever been on. They really are not kidding when they warn you to leave behind your water-damagable valuables at the station. A 100-foot drop in a wide boat right into a splash pool kicks up an enormous wave that does an excellent job of soaking every single person on the boat. As if the experience of the ride weren’t enough, we then took the time to stand on the bridge over the spash pool, bracing ourselves against the railing, to “catch the wave” – a blast of foam that pours across the bridge every time the ride goes around.

So: a good day out was had by all, I feel. Please do upload your pictures from the day, because I’d love to see them. I gather Rory might be making another one of his short DVDs: if so, we’ll show it at the beginning of next week’s Troma Night.

See also: video of the Crystal Dome.

× × × ×

Oakwood Last Minute Arrangements Plus RBDA Night Accounce

Don’t forget, Oakwooders – meet at The Cottage at 8:15am or at the train station car park at 8:30am if you’re travelling from Aberystwyth, or meet at the enterance to the Crystal Maze Cyberdrome at Oakwood if you’re travelling from elsewhere. If you don’t have my mobile number, get it. I can’t make calls or send texts right now (I owe Orange a hundred pounds or so and I haven’t gotten around to paying it) but I’ll be able to receive calls all day to check on locations and stuff.

Red Black Dwarf Adder Night is still scheduled for 7pm, but even if we’re running late on the way back you’ll be able to get in courtesy of our new furry ginger pet. He’s well-trained and able to operate the front door.

A Note From The Passport Office

This morning I received my new passport, following my name change last month. In the envelope with the new passport and the usual collection of leaflets about safe travelling, I found the following compliments slip:

Compliments slip from the passport office

The slip reads:

Mr. Q,

Your passport has now been issued, as requested. I would advise you that due to your unusual surname, you may experience difficulties at Immigration Control when travelling. The Passport Service will take no responsibility for any problems incurred as the change of name is your own personal choice.

Kind regards;

[indecipherable signature]

Kinda cool.

Crystal Dome at Oakwood

On 27 April 2007 some friends and I went to the (last surviving) Crystal Maze Cyberdrome Experience at Oakwood Theme Park. Here, some of my friends can be seen playing the Crystal Dome game. See more photos here.

Pins And Needles Of The Brain

As you may be aware, I’ve gotten to be very good at Wii Sports Tennis. My rating at the main game is now so high (about 2200) that the line representing my progress breaks free from the top of the graph and is beginning to underline the title at the top of the screen. It’s so un-challenging to play computers (and most humans I’ve played) now that I instead started playing the "Targets" training game, where you have to bounce a ball off targets appearing on a fragile wall, where I’ve now got a top score of 84 targets (I got my platinum medal some time back). As you can probably imagine, I’ve been looking for a new challenge.

Last night, I found it. I’ve set myself up two new characters – one left-handed, one right – and, holding two Wiimotes (one in each hand) I play a co-operative doubles game with myself. Controlling two players on the same side with different handedness suddenly makes the game more challenging again: I’m not ambidextrous, and the act of playing as if I am makes the inside of my head tingle in an unusual and curious way.

It has it’s advantages, to play like this: people who’ve played the conventional single-player game, controlling two clones using one Wiimote, will know of the frustration caused when trying to swing for the ball with one of your players cripples your ability to hit it effectively with the other (who’s still recovering from the last swing which both players took simultaneously), and it doesn’t take long before you start taking braver, chancier shots, of the kind that you typically only do when you’re working co-operatively with another human player on your side. Nonetheless, it’s very challenging to bridge the gaps in your hard-wired "handedness" and get the same kind of dexterity out of your left hand as out of your right.

I find myself missing more shots with my left hand, but I’m getting better. My two new players for "two-handed" play are half-way to a "Pro" rating, and they’ve only lost one match so far (the first match I’ve lost at all in a long, long time). It looks like I’ve found a new challenge.

Further Upcoming Events For Aberites

So what’s happening this week?

  • Tuesday, 7pm (tonight) – the latest episode of Heroes, after it’s hiatus, has broadcast, and I’ve got a nice HDTV copy of it. Want to get together and see it? It’s just the one episodes, but if folks feel that way inclined, we might drift into a Jeramiah episode or two thereafter… unless you’ve got revision to do…

  • Wednesday, 7pmRed Black Dwarf Adder Night II – we’ll be watching the second series of Red Dwarf and finishing the first series of Blackadder. We’re going to be keeping a mighy pace of two a week with Red Black Dwarf Adder Night in order to ensure we get though every episode of both TV series by the end of term (especially for those of you that are students!).

  • Saturday, 8pm – Troma Night CLXXIV – the usual early start for those who want to see Doctor Who, before we watch Falling Down (which, owing to a tied vote and a coin toss, we didn’t see last Troma Night), a short surprise film I’ll be providing, and whatever else we can think of.

  • Sunday, 8:30am – as mentioned last week, we’ll be leaving nice and early for our Oakwood Theme Park and Crystal Maze Cyberdrome trip.

Usual deal. Hope to see you there.

Who Brought The Weather?

A fortnight of glorious weather, and the very moment that the students return and term starts again, it begins to rain. Did somebody forget to leave the rainclouds at home with mum and dad?

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No Right To Complain

There are lots of good arguments as to why an individual should vote: perhaps I’ll write about some of those later, and talk about my own personal experience of the system. In this blog post, instead, I’m going to talk about a very bed argument for voting. It’s a very popular argument I’ve heard used by a great number of people who are in favour of compulsary (either at the legal level or just as a social pressure) voting. It’s a very popular argument, but it’s also a very weak argument. It goes something along the lines of this:

"If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain."

Over the remainder of this article, I’ll be taking apart this argument. To help me with the examples, I’ll be using a fictional character called John Voter. John is a resident of the United Kingdom, or a similar Western democracy. His political views are pretty moderate, and he isn’t a member of any particular party, but he’s open to new ideas and arguments: simply put, he’s the ultimate floating voter.

No One Candidate

Suppose the electorate is completely split between the candidates – every candidate gets exactly the same number of votes: there is only one ballot paper left to count, and it’s John’s. It’s a highly unfeasible scenario, but it serves for our purposes. In this scenario, John is responsible for choosing which candidate wins the election. This seems to some like an ideal oppertunity for many voters – a chance to choose exactly which candidate is elected – but not to John. You see, John can’t decide who to vote for. He likes the Red Party candidate’s promises of tax cuts, but he doesn’t approve of their foreign policies. Meanwhile, the Blue Party would increase taxes, but have foreign policies that he prefers. No single candidate is suited to John’s opinion. In the end, he flips a coin and votes for one of these two candidates.

Does John have a right to complain? He alone explicitly chose which candidate was elected, but he doesn’t approve of everything they’re going to do in their term. Does he have a right to criticise the candidate who he put in office. Think carefully before you answer.

If you answer no, then you’re saying that even if you do vote, you have no right to complain if your candidate is elected. It doesn’t actually matter whether or not John’s vote "makes the difference." More likely, he’s part of a larger group of people (all of the people who cast their vote the same way as him) who elected somebody who didn’t perfectly reflect their views, but reflected them more closely than any of the other candidates did.

More likely you answered yes; in this situation, where John singly "chooses" the politician who represents him, he still has a right to complain (you might even think that he has more right). So let’s take a different example. This one’s less hypothetical.

The votes are likely to be unevenly split amongst the candidates, just like a real election. There are candidates who will get only a few hundred votes, and there are candidates who will get tens of thousands. John still doesn’t know who to vote for, but – in this more realistic scenario – his vote will almost certainly not make a difference to which candidate is elected (note that I didn’t say that his vote will make no difference – perhaps I’ll look at arguments relating to whether votes "count" in a future blog post). Perhaps his chosen candidate will get in, or perhaps they won’t. Does he still have a right to complain?

Your answer is probably yes. Yes, John has every right to complain that his views are not being reflected, because no matter who he votes for – in fact, no matter who wins! – he will not be completely satisfied, because no politician is able to completely satisfy the things he cares about. He has chosen (either by concious decision or by flipping a coin, as before) to align himself with one of several viewpoints, neither of which he wholeheartedly agrees with. It doesn’t matter if he votes for one of the two tens-of-thousands-of-votes candidates in his constituancy, or if he votes for one of the less-popular candidates… the candidate that is elected remains the same (remember: I’m still not saying his vote doesn’t count). He’s still able, and probably feels the need, to complain about his elected representative.

So what’s the difference if he puts a blank ballot paper into the box? He was equally unhappy with all of the viable candidates anyway. And if he’s going to do that, he might as well not even bother going to the polling station, and make better use of his own time – he could draft a letter to be sent to the winning candidate, outlining his views, or he could write a blog post about why he isn’t voting, or he could go out with his mates for a pint. They’re all valid uses for his time (it is, after all, his time), and the net result is still the same as if he voted: a candidate he doesn’t 100% care for is elected, and he feels the need to complain about it.

And what right does anybody have to try to take away somebody’s right to complain. Complaining, otherwise known as "free speech," is a more important right than the right to vote. When you speak, you can influence people, whether they’re the unwashed masses or the people in power. When you vote, all you do is align yourself with somebody who represents less of the ideals you disagree with than any of the (limited) alternatives.

To say "if you don’t vote, you’ve got no right to complain," says a lot about the people who say it, though. When people say those words, what they’re actually implying that that they feel your right to complain should be dependent upon your duty to vote. On a personal level, they’re saying, "I feel that mandatory voting is important, and I plan to socially stigmatise you – by not listening to your complaints – as a way to try to coerce you into voting."

It’s sad that some people feel that the act of voting is more important than thinking about politics; that it’s more important for you to make an uninformed vote than it is for you to think about the changes you actually want to see, and help bring them about. It’s sad that everybody who "doesn’t vote" – from the man who just can’t be bothered and doesn’t care what happens (more on this in another post, as well, I think) to the anarchist who doesn’t want to support the system he opposes – gets lumped into a group of "apathetic voters."

The Personal Bit

Personally, I’ve very rarely felt the need to nominate a particular candidate as a preference over the others: most elections, I spoil a ballot, because no single candidate has a clear lead in my mind. I do, however, write to (well, usually e-mail and fax these days) politicians from time to time to try to persuade them of the validity of my viewpoints. I’d be more likely to vote in more elections if we had a better electoral system, such as STV. I’m not a non-voter (nor am I politically apathetic), I’m just, like John, unimpressed by most of the choices in most of the elections I participate in. The Liberal Democrats almost won my vote in the upcoming Welsh Assembly elections, but I challenged a representative of them on a couple of key issues I feel strongly about, and they seem to be adamant that they’re right (and I feel otherwise). It doesn’t look likely that I’ll find a candidate that reflects how I feel significantly better than any other, so instead of voting for a candidate, I’ll write a few letters (to whoever wins).

In the long run, if the system works, and politicians are at least slightly in it for the purpose of representing the views of their citizens, I’m having more of an effect than your average voter. If the system doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter anyway.

If I get the time, I’ll be talking about some of the (better) arguments for reasons to vote over the next couple of weeks. Don’t forget, those of you in Wales, Welsh Assembly polling day is May 3rd.

The Best Thing About Being My Age

Please excuse the title, which feels at least a little like it could have been the proposed title for a creative writing project for a group of 7-year-olds, but it feels like the best title for the job. It’s not, I know, but it’s my blog and I don’t care. I just wanted to share with you one of the single worst things about being a child (and equally, perhaps more so, a young adult) that I mostly now get to look back on.

That thing – the thing which thankfully gets better with time – is the patronising cynicism of your elders. Over the course of my life, I’ve made a great number of decisions: some of which I’m happy with, and some of which I’m not – that’s the nature and the beauty of life. And, of course, others may approve or disapprove of my decisions. That’s fine too.

The problem comes when people try to use their age to invalidate your independence. How often have you heard a parent or grandparent or teacher imply that a younger person is "just going through a phase," or that, perhaps most critically of all, "they’ll see" when they’re older: the implication being that they will see that they were wrong when they were younger and remember the smug faces of their mentors.

I’ve made a great number of decisions, and, because I’m a rather unusual individual, some of these have been unusual decisions. Not all of my plans have unfolded as I’d expected, and many of my ideas have changed, but some haven’t. I’d love to be able to more clearly remember every single person who implied that by now I’d have changed my mind, and slowly and calmly explain what belittling twats they were. Of course, it doesn’t take too great an age before you start forgetting things like that, and it’s all a bit theoretical… but I’d love to be able to better announce, "Yes, I’m still me: surprised?"

My single favourite example – because it’s trivial, "tame," and easy to debate, as well as being a genuinely good example – is my decision not to marry, which will come up again in a blog entry in the near future, I suspect. Allow me to elaborate:

This decision is based on a great many things: that it provides me with no benefits I don’t seem to be able to achieve by better means, that it has societal implications that I disagree with, and that I feel that whatever benefits it could conceivably get me would be given to me in an example of unfair positive disrcimination, which I object to. Plus a million others (if you’re looking to debate the point with me, catch me in person or wait until a blog post more specifically on the subject). Now this isn’t a new revelation for me: I’ve been sticking to my guns on this point for about a decade now, and I’m not showing any signs of changing my stance… I have no objection to people disagreeing with me: in fact, when I hold an off-the-beaten-track viewpoint like this one, I ought to expect it. But as a young adult, the number of times I was told that "I’d grow out of that," "I’d change my mind someday," or, worst of all, "I’d fall in love with somebody, then I’d see," – like there’s some kind of magical link between love and marriage that appears in your mind exactly ten years after your balls drop – goes beyond my ability to recount.

Why do people do this? Statistically speaking, adults who say these things are usually right: they’re speaking from experience, albeit their own experience, and they’re not stupid. But that’s not an excuse to tell anybody, and especially a child, that their feelings are invalid or somehow wrong because they will probably be changed by time. Those younger than you may lack experience, but that doesn’t make their opinions wrong – just different.

I got lucky. My parents were always brilliant at nurturing and helping me through anything I felt was right… even the decisions which in hindsight make me cringe or were blatantly just anti-conformism for anti-conformism’s sake (and the huge area of crossover between the two). I’ve spoken to many, many people who had a far more upsetting experience in this area than I did, and even those whose growth as an individual, I expect, was crippled by the blind criticism of their parents.

The best thing about being my age is that almost nobody tries to tell me I’m wrong in my opinions based on their age and experience, under the implication that I will in time see my mistake. The exception, of course, is the devoutly religious, who still insist that "after death" I’ll understand that they were right.

They’ll see.


Rory‘s making some more of his delicious-looking all-steak burgers for tomorrow’s barbeque. If you want one (and are willing to pay for the mince!) drop him a comment on his blog.

This evening, I kicked off with a few hobbies I’ve neglected lately, starting brewing some wine and juggling some fire on the beach. It’s amazing how quickly you lose the fitness to juggle clubs effectively if you don’t do it for a year or two. Must get more practice.

Castle Master Meets Dan In Bed

Time for another episode of Dan’s bizarre dreams. Here’s last night’s:

At least to begin with, the whole dream was animated like an early 3D computer game – with a certain Castle Master feel to it – but became less and less like a game as the story went on. I was in some kind of tower in which some friends and I were trying to gain access to the room at the top, which was locked. The friends – who I hadn’t gone so far as to assign identities to at the time – stayed on the ground floor, while I ran around the upper floors trying to solve the puzzle that would open the door. They were generally useless, needing me to run ahead and sort out the route before they’d go anywhere. I needed to flip the correct combination of switches, hidden on different floors, to turn a set of red lights to green which would indicate that the door on the top floor could be opened. I was making good progress at working out what I needed to do, but was having some difficulty in finding all of the switches.

Having gotten all but one, I found myself in the (more realistic looking-and-feeling) ground floor again, and Helen G (turns out she was one of the folks I’d left at the bottom) indicated that the final switch would be on the roof, and pointed out a ladder that went through the ceiling, up the side of the tower, and onto a platform at the top. There was one of those silly ladder guards at the bottom in an attempt to make the ladder inaccessible, but I was able to climb up the adjacent wall in order to get above it, and began to climb.

Outside, it was very windy and beginning to rain, and it was difficult to keep hold of the ladder as I climbed up to the platform at the top. Struggling across the platform, I discovered that to trigger the last switch, I had to fill a bucket with water that would pull against a pulley (perhaps I’ve been watching too much Crystal Maze?). In any case, I found a system of pipes and opened the appropriate valves. I turned a “wrong one” as well, it seems, because water started to pour from pipes above me, too. I huddled as best I could to avoid getting soaked and to cling on to the tower while I waited for the bucket to fill, and that’s when I woke up.

Pretty structured, as far as my dreams go.

Upcoming Events For Aberites

Here’s a round-up of some of the things we expect to be doing (and we hope you’ll consider joining us for) in the near future. Yes, there’ll undoubtedly be extra stuff that isn’t mentioned here. You know what to do:

  • Wednesday, 7pm (tonight) – Jeramiah Night: post-apocalytpic fun. BYOB, although there’s still about half a bottle of Bryn‘s abandoned vodka left if anybody wants some.

  • Friday, 6pm – weather-permitting, bonfire and barbeque on North Beach to welcome Ele, Penny, Sarah (and anybody else who’s getting back to Aber late this week after an Easter elsewhere) back into town. A chance to eat charcoal, drink warm beer, and catch-up on the events of Easter.

  • Saturday, 8pm – Troma Night CLXXIII – starting at the even-earlier-than-usual time (pay attention!) of 6:35pm, at The Cottage, for those who want to see Doctor Who, then kicking off with a couple more educational episodes of Look Around You before beginning our main features: Falling Down, Howl’s Moving Castle (especially for those of us who haven’t seen it), and – if people can stomach it – perhaps an MST3K. Open for debate.

  • Sunday, 7pm – Red Black Dwarf Adder Night – the first ever Red Black Dwarf Adder Night, which will consist of alternative episodes (or blocks of episodes) from both Red Dwarf and Blackadder, two stunning bits of British comedy. We’ll be having one or two Red Black Dwarf Adder Nights a week to ensure we get through all eight series (plus some extras) of Red Dwarf and all four series (plus some one-offs) of Blackadder before term ends, for those of you who are students and who won’t be around over summer. Should be a great night.

  • Saturday 28th, 8pm (a week on Saturday) – Troma Night CLXXIV – as usual. Added here for completeness because I’d feel wrong writing about something the day after without tipping my hat to Troma Night… even though there are no plans for what to watch yet.

  • Sunday 29th, 7:30am (a week on Sunday – early) – this is the confirmed final date for the combined Oakwood Theme Park trip / Rory‘s birthday celebrations. Gather at The Cottage at 8:05am or the railway station (where there’s sufficient car parking space for multiple drivers) at 8:20am for seat allocation and a quick clarification of driving directions. Attendees are expected to negotiate for seats before appearing – we’ve got room for a few in Claire‘s car, and we’re aware that Jimmy‘s probably driving, ditto Gareth (although we’re not sure if he’s travelling from Aber or elsewhere).
    We’ll be starting the day at Oakwood by entering a couple of teams into the Crystal Maze Cyberdrome before entering the theme park itself. Once I’ve got estimates of how many people are coming, I’ll advise the Cyberdrome and try to book places, although I anticipate it won’t be busy. You can buy tickets for the theme park from their web site and you get a discount for doing so – so please consider doing this. When budgeting, remember to offer to pay for your share of the petrol in the car you travel in.

That’s some of the upcoming events. Just because nothing’s listed for the intervening days doesn’t mean there’s nothing on – to the contrary, there’ll probably be another Red Black Dwarf Adder Night, a Stressed Eric Night, and maybe another Jeramiah Night stirred in there at some point. So you know.

Dan learns to juggle flaming clubs

At a barbeque on Aberystwyth’s North Beach on 15 April 2007, Dan pulled out his newly-acquired flaming clubs and got started at practising their use.

See also: BBQ Says Rory.