Open Mic Night

As I’d promised, I went along to the Ground Zero open mic night at The Angel tonight – and it was a most spectacular night. Matt was MC, and did a wonderful series of gags and skits to liven up the crowd and fill the gaps between the performers. Unusually, all the acts were of an extremely high quality – a lot of good material from a lot of different people, delivered well. Particularly worthy of mention was Adrian O’Toole, who performed during the second act a fantastic piece of comedy, having been charged with doing so as part of an ongoing dare/challenge with some friends. Apparently, he’s joining… pretty much any society that’ll have him, “doing it all”, or some such thing, and part of this included doing open mic comedy. By the end of the night, he’d been signed up to be in a Christian indie band, despite not having the appropriate qualifications in either religion or music. We’re going to invite him to Troma Night. Even if standing in front of several dozen people and telling jokes didn’t break him, the traditions of our weekly film night might.

And so – infused with beer and impressed by the atmosphere – I put my name down on the board for the second act. And it went remarkably well: as well as could possibly be expected considering that I’ve never done open mic before, that I hadn’t planned to do it tonight by more than half an hour, etc. Rather than try to compose some humour within the few minutes available I opted to instead advance upon the acts of some of the people I’d seen so far: Matt had talked about the quirks of Aberystwyth; “Magic Ian” (hmm… Supergran reference, Claire and I wonder?) discussed The Crystal Maze… etc. etc… and so I took a little from each and added my piece. It was sloppy because it was unprepared, but for an improvisational spot it worked wonderfully and I was glad to see that the crowd mopped it up. I’d have liked to have ended on a better laugh, but all-in-all it was great… I’d do it again (albeit with a little more preparation).

The funniest moment of the night for me, however, happened not on stage but in the toilets. I’d just gone to the gents in between the second and third acts, and had just finished washing my hands when another attendee came in. He looked at me and recognised me as somebody he’d seen on stage earlier, muttered a congratulatory message, and went to shake my hand. I took his hand with mine, which I then realised was still warm and damp from the sink. “Sorry,” I said, as a look of repulsion spread across his face, “I pissed on my hand.” His face was priceless.

In other news, Adam linked to what is perhaps the funniest thing I’ve seen online in a long time: If you read his blog you’ll have seen it already, but who cares – watch it again: Ultimate Showdown!

Further reading:

A Change Of Plan

Okay, contrary to what was advertised earlier, there won’t be a Geek Night this week (unless Claire or somebody else wants to run one), as I’ll be going to the open mic night at The Angel, where Matt’ll be doing his stuff. If you were going to be coming to Geek Night but now (obviously) won’t be, please consider The Angel as a second option.

If you’re concerned that the cancellation of Geek Night is a crafty way of us denying you access to the tasty brew I was giving out last night (which was unanimously named Yeast InfectionAlec‘s suggestion), fear not: folks are more than welcome to come by before The Angel and tank up, or there’ll be enough to save for events during the coming week (there’a about 18-20 pints left, not to mention the other beverages that went down surprisingly well amongst the non-beer drinkers last night).

Right: got to get on with some work.

Open All Night

Matt R wrote:

Guys, I really need your support here and I know that it’s very last minute.

There’s a comedy open mic night tomorrow in The Angel and, not only am I performing in one of the slots, I’m also the MC. This is a big thing for me so if you could all come along I could at least be guarnateed some laughs. Well, that’s not entirely true; I’m worried about failing in front of my friends and possibly even worse that you’ll only laugh because you know me and I’ll carry on with this dellusion that I’m funny but if tomorrow isn’t a success (for the bar, I mean) then we may not get to do anymore at The Angel and then I’m certainly scuppered. I know that some of you already have plans and again I’m sorry that this is so last minute but if you could make it to The Angel at 20:00 tomorrow (Sunday) and pay £2 on the door then that would be fabulous. Had I more money I’d bribe you all with drink. Also it is open miic so if you’ve got a great anecdote or a good impression feel free to step up and give me some respite.

Please please come.

I really hope I’m good.

Ooh. Open mic. I’ll give that a go, if I can think of something to say.

See you there.

What’re You Doing This Week?

For the benefit of the Abnibbers (and the other folks that hang around The Place), here’s a roundup of some of the events of the rest of the week:

Naruto Night from 8pm, as usual. Proposed anime for the night includes Bleach and Excel Saga, with the possibility of Full Metal Alchemist if the appropriate episodes can be obtained; Naruto otherwise.

Geek Night has been moved to Sunday this week to make room for Link Night: Claire, Paul, JTA and I, infused by the power of the Four Sword, will continue our quest to free Hyrule from the clutches of an evil Bad Link (and Ganandorf) and free yet more maidens and stuff. Yay. Player slots are filled, but spectators are welcome (and are certainly allowed to entertain themselves with, for example, the other GameCube). In addition, it’s proposed that Binky use this evening to perform the first part of his distillation experiment, as at least two of his experimental samples will have reached maturity by this point. =o)

Troma Night as usual. The theme this week is “Bring Your Own Pint Glass” – all attendees are requested to bring a pint glass with them (buy one, steal one, whatever – I don’t care), in exchange for which I’ll repeatedly fill it with any one of a selection of the various beverages that I’ve been brewing for the last few weeks, including wines made with grapefruit, peach, pear and pineapple, a spirit of Binky‘s devising (made from one or more of those previously mentioned, but probably the grapefruit), and lots and lots of cask beer. Bring your own bottle, as usual, if you think you’re going to need it, but a pint glass and a sick bag should be sufficient for most. Proposed on the film agenda is “a good old-fashioned Troma Night”-theme: a good film; a bad film; and an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

If you enjoy what you drink on Saturday, please consider donating a pound or so into “the tub”, the proceeds from which will be used to buy further materials for the making of more communal alcohol for Troma Night. Making alcohol in large quantities is cheap (on money – most of the investment is in time spent washing things, shaking things, boiling things, etc), but not quite free. And if you don’t enjoy what you drink or you’re as skint as I am, just consume anyway. Mmm… beer.

Geek Night. In accordance with the prophecy, this week’s Geek Night takes place on Sunday rather than Friday, to make room for questing and merriment on the part of the four incarnations of Link in it’s place. Usual deal this week.

Angry Saudi Protesters

In the style of her comic, The Aber Effect, and in the light of recent protests about the religious implications of a comic, Claire has made a marvellous one-framer, shown below:

Angry Saudi Protester Against Free Speech, by Claire

Much thanks to Claire for allowing me to publish this online.


Curry At All Spice – TONIGHT!

Curry at Cafe All Spice tonight. All welcome. Geek Night moved to Sunday this week. Jon, Hayley, and TGB in town. Time not yet certain, so meet at The Place during the evening or get a message to Claire or I and we’ll let you know when we know… but it’s likely to be about 9pm (when TGB expects to arrive in town). Also; keep an eye on this blog post for updates.

Be there, or be sober and hungry.

Special instructions –

In actual news, Abnib Gallery now carries 877 photos. My efforts to keyword/caption them all is going slowly, so if you want to help, please do (just sign up an account on the site then contact me to get your permissions sorted out).

What Might Have Been

You’ve all seen nanofiction before (which must, of course, have no more than 55 words of text plus no more than 7 words of title in it), as is used in games like Chrononauts and some of the other Geek Night favourites, but I’ve only recently discovered the idea of a drabble – a work of fiction totalling exactly 100 words.

I thought I’d share with you all a drabble written by a friend of mine (she’s put it only in places it’s hard to find, so I’m duplicating rather than linking).

From the day we were born, my twin sister was always the one people noticed. In our first photograph, just hours after our birth, she looked rosy, while I looked pale, like a wax doll. She grew into a beautiful and talented young woman – her singing voice was quite something to behold. I have no doubt that my mother loved me – although my father’s discomfort and disappointment in me was fairly blatant – but I remained something that was discussed as little as possible. I didn’t want to envy my beloved sister. If only I had been born alive, too.

© Faye L Booth 2005 – used with permission – no unauthorised reproduction, in whole or part

Fabulous, I thought, and so I got permission to share it with you lot, too.

Wanted: One “Link”

Wanted: one competent video games player with free time on Saturday daytimes (and probably at other points during the week) to waste a couple of dozen hours over the next few weeks playing The Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures alongside me, Claire and JTA. We’ve come into possession of (or will have, very soon) a copy of the game, a gamecube, four gameboy advances (or SPs), link cables, etc. Hopefully, we’ll be ready to kick off this coming Saturday afternoon.

Why do we want you? Because Zelda: Four Swords is blatantly best-played with four simultaneous co-operative players making a collaborative effort to save hyrule/banish demons/rescue Princess Zelda/whatever the plot is this time around. This game is getting good-to-great reviews, but every reviewer is saying that it’s best to play with the full gameboy/four-player affair, so we’ve decided that this is what we’re going to do!

Why is this game special? Well; it’s a truly co-operative RPG which feeds upon the puzzle-solving and co-ordination abilities of a group of people. It’s fluffy and friendly. And, coolest of all, it really does make use of the four (eek!) GBAs we’ll be throwing at it… if your character is seperated from the rest of the party, the adventure continues on your own little screen, right in the palm of your hands, until you can rejoin the main TV screen. Secret voting on each other’s performance, puzzles which require synchronised efforts on the part of the team members, and other goodies, make this a very promising little game.


You probably have to like Zelda games, or, at least, the idea of them.
You’ll need to drag your arse around to The Place to play it with the rest of the group on a regular basis (schedule to be determined), or we’ll happily replace you with somebody more interested.

Want to join our ragtag band (or even come along early for Troma Night and spectate/shout abuse/complain that “it’s not like the Zelda games you remember – that’ll be you, Paul)? Let me know. And may the triforce be with you.

LiveJournal Needs To Tighten Security

Hmm… as part of my ongoing work with Abnib v3.0, I’ve noticed a couple of interesting little quirks in the way that LiveJournal handles security for “friends only” and “private” posts. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve found a way to – for any given user – produce a list of the times, dates, and URLs of all posts made by anybody – even ones to which I don’t have access. Not terribly disturbing news, as I still can’t get access to the content of the posts or even the comments to them, but it’s an “opening” – a “way in” – which could potentially lead to a full-blown exploit.

For example, I can tell you that there is a post on Andy’s blog that I’m not allowed to read, that he wrote on the 17th of Januaryat about quarter past four in the afternoon (I hope you don’t mind me using you as my “guinea pig”, Andy – you’re the first person I came to who had a “recent” private post).

The numbers near the end of LiveJournal post URLs are supposed to be semi-random to prevent people from just “guessing” their way to posts, but it turns out this isn’t necessary. I’ve e-mailed LiveJournal to try to explain their flaw to them, but as I can’t be arsed to debug it myself (hey: not my weblog at risk, here), I don’t know yet how much of a priority they’ll make it.

Ho hum.

Edit: Further investigations have revealed that I can easily get the title (but not the content or the comments) of any LiveJournal post, including protected ones. For obvious reasons, I’ve now stopped using my friends’ weblogs as testbeds, and I’ve set up a couple of “play” accounts to try things out with. I wonder if I can get the content of posts? That’d be an interesting challenge.

Abnib v3.0, First Release

Well, I’ve completed the first release of Abnib v3.0. It’s not quite as full-featured as I’d have liked, yet, but a lot of the new “core” functionality is there. I hope you’ll all agree that it’s been worth the wait. And, if you’re reading this on Abnib… Hello there!

So: what’s new –

“Friends-Only” Support For LiveJournal Users
Just add ‘abnib’ to your friends list and abnib-readers will be notified when you make “friends only” posts, so they don’t have to check more pages than they need to. Abnib won’t show your “friends only” text – it’ll just tell people that you’ve made a “friends only” post, and invite them to click the link to go to it. If you’re particularly paranoid, you can even set up a custom group that doesn’t include abnib, so you can make private posts that abnib readers don’t get told about.

I’d appreciate it if a few of you would try out this feature, so that we can be sure that it works.

Integrated Member Descriptions
Click on somebody’s name in the upper-right, and you can read a short description of them. I’ve filled a few in to start us off. You can opt to only view posts by a certain person, and, soon, you’ll be able to cloak posts by certain people (if you always find their ‘blogs boring, for example). If you want to edit your description, you can! If you do this, abnib will ask you to prove that you are who you claim to be by posting a certain unusual series of words in your weblog within the next few days. Please give this a go!

Gallery, RockMonkey, and Troma Night Integration
Abnib talks to Abnib Gallery, the RockMonkey Wiki, and the Troma Night web site in order to bring you the latest news and pictures. These features – particularly the Gallery and RockMonkey ones – are yet to be enhanced even further, so watch this space. The Gallery “Random Picture” feature refreshes itself every 30 seconds, so even during the most boring blog rant, there’s always something to occupy your interest.

New Look-And-Feel
It’s got wavy corners and transparent bits and everything. Looks great in FireFox and Opera, tolerable in Internet Explorer 6 (good in Internet Explorer 7)…

Read More…
If you’re really “out of the loop” and need to catch up, just scroll to the bottom of Abnib and you can easily view “older” posts at the click of a link. The page doesn’t even need to refresh!