Murder Mystery In Progress

I’m currently in the middle of a murder mystery night: The Brie, The Bullet, And The Black Cat, and I just wanted to point out how clever it is! My character is a secret agent from England in Casablanca before the British invasion of Africa. My alias – a French nightclub owner – has been blown, and my booklet gives me a SECOND alias which I’ve managed to pull off without question, and subsequent clues have (so far) been ambiguous as to which alibi I’m using! Very clever!


  1. Suz Suz says:

    Funny, I had no idea they had the internet back then…

  2. The Pacifist The Pacifist says:

    Yay! It wawns;/’t me!

  3. rockmonkey rockmonkey says:

    You know me and you were the best killers of all time wih only claire and faye being close. Dave must come too Faye’s 21st great guy. see you all soon.

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