Geohash Luck

Maybe it’s just that my sabbatical is making me pay more attention then usual, but it feels like I’m getting very lucky with nearby geohashpoints lately. Tomorrow’s hashpoint in my graticule might be achievable!

Map showing my location on Witney and a pin 2.5km away in a field outside Ducklington. Geohashpoint for tomorrow.

This is a good omen, perhaps, for next week. Next week my mother and I are going to hop over to the West coast of Ireland where there are several contiguous mostly-land graticules that have never seen a successful expedition. We could be the first! 🤞



Kids’ ability to pick up new words from context is amazing.

Kids’ confidence even when they’ve misunderstood how a word is used is hilarious. 😊

This evening, our 7-year-old was boasting about how well-behaved his class was while their regular teacher had to attend an all-day meeting, vs how much it impressed the temporary teacher they had.

His words: “Today we had a supply teacher and we totally DOMINATED her!”


Waiting patiently at the school gates on a distinctly Autumnal morning, our pupper’s squat stature means she’s about knee-deep in the season’s golden leaves.

A champagne-coloured French Bulldog stands patiently alongside a post to which her lead is tied. With her short stature she's about knee-deep in Autumn leaf litter.


Enumerating Domains

I’ve just enumerated my personal domain names. There’s a lot fewer of them than there used to be!1

Anyway: here’s the list –

I think that’s all of them, but it’s hard to be sure…


1 Maybe I’ve finally shaken off my habit of buying a domain name for everything. Or maybe it’s just that I’ve embraced subdomains for more stuff. Probably the latter.

Note #24972

Future Arimaa grand masters at practice, this Sunday morning boardgaming session.

In a cluttered dining room, two children play Arimaa, a chess-like board game.


Quesapizza Lunch

After a morning of optimising a nonprofit’s reverse proxy configuration, I feel like I’ve earned my lunch! Four cheese, mushroom and jalapeño quesapizzas, mmm…

Gas stovetop.a frying pan contains a tortilla wrap topped with tomato sauce, cheese, mushrooms, and jalapeños. Beside its a plate containing a completed quesapizza: two crispy tortilla wraps sandwiching their contents.


My Car is Sad

All! The! Warning! Lights! By the time a car needs to pahinate the error messages it wants to display, something has definitely gone wrong. 😬

Car dashboard with seven different warning lights on, plus a message advising that ABS and ESC are not working.


Go back to bed!

Things my children have gotten out of bed to say to me tonight:

  • I don’t want to go to school tomorrow
  • I can’t find [name of toy]
  • I want [name of toy I lent to my sibling] back
  • if I’m ill, I don’t have to go to school tomorrow, right?
  • I can’t sleep
  • I might be ill: I don’t think I should go to school tomorrow
  • I want a hot water bottle
  • I’m too hot
  • I’ve lost my hot water bottle
  • I spilt my water1
  • I went to the toilet because I thought I was going to throw up but I didn’t but I think I’m too ill to go to school tomorrow
  • my book is wet
  • I forgot to brush my teeth
  • I don’t like these pyjamas
  • I still can’t sleep


1 it later turned out to have been spilled on an electrical extension socket! 😱

Note #24906

As the kids grow older… someday our final soft play session – something we used to do all the time, and now do only rarely – will be in the past.

A mug of coffee held in front of a view of a multicoloured soft playground.

But for now, at least, it remains a chaotic way to tire them out on a morning!


Note #24882

Okay, is every company using AI to fuck up their mailing lists, now?

For the second time this week I’ve received an email from a company whom I’d explicitly demanded cease processing my PII. This time, in February they outright told me that they’d deleted my data and sent screenshots to “prove” it (which was already after they’d failed to unsubscribe me from their mailing lists in the first place).

Note #24871

Just received an unsolicited marketing email from a company that I asked to remove me from their systems eleven and a half years ago (!).

I haven’t heard from them since then.

The marketing email is sent using a platform that “uses AI to help you seamlessly connect with your customers”. By which I assume the platform means “we’ll crawl your email history to find anybody we can possibly spam”.

Just gonna go grab my GDPR/DPA2018 beating-stick. This is gonna be a fun one.


Made it through a day and a half of theme park fun with the kids. Time for a much-needed beer, then as long a sleep as circumstance will allow.

Three glasses of beer held by adult hands clink together against a glass of water and a bottle of Fanta held 6 by cold hands.


Dos Huevos

For some reason, the breakfast chef assumed that when I asked for two eggs benedict that I might want them on two separate plates. As if I WEREN’T totally planning to scoff them both myself! 😂

Two portions of eggs benedict, in front of a window showing a 25th-storey view of Barcelona.


Note #24831

Parenting is about sacrifices.

Dan drinks a beer, a children's football match is being played in the background.

Here, I’m making the noble sacrifice of forcing myself to drink a delicious beer so my 10-year-old can use the customer-only bathroom at a beachside amateur football club. Such a sacrifice.
