Note #17243

With #lockdown guidance as it stands, only six of the seven dwarfs can meet together in the park?
The seventh dwarf won’t be Happy.

In fact, he’ll be Grumpy.

Which is a problem, because that means one of the six is Sneezy.

Note #17103

Chafed nipples. But we only have Frozen II-themed plasters in the house. So now I’m wearing an Elsa & Anna pasties. How did my life come to this?


Note #17091

I think our local red kites were mostly living on roadkill, and the lockdown means they’re not getting fed. They’ve also forgotten how to hunt: this afternoon I watched one get its ass handed to it by a medium-sized crow.

Note #17025

For the benefit of my South African colleagues on Slack, I give you the #maskchallenge #emoji:



Note #16952

(Fake) letter from Boris Johnson stating that the government's new policy is just to write-off 2020 and carry on from 2021, after the coronavirus crisis has passed.

I’m 100% behind the #covid19 strategy @BorisJohnson proposes in his latest letter. But then, I’ve already had my birthday this year…


Note #16899

Handwashing poster to the tune of Paul Johnson's Get Get Down.

In these complicated times, this is how I get my groove on.


Note #16758

Today my #distributed #remotework office is provided by @OCFI_OI, which provides me that most #Oxford of views: simultaneously containing architecture of the 1960s… and the 1160s.

View of 1960s buildings in front of Oxford Castle.


Note #16217

It’s been said that you’re not really part of a new #dev team until you break something user-facing. Today I achieved that milestone. Whoops.

Critical error on


Note #16213

Nice simple design, @typehut, but with no RSS, Atom, nor h-feed you’ve made a blog platform to which readers can only subscribe by email. 😢

Note #16070

What’s wrong with my password, @PostOffice? Is it too secure for you?
It does nothing to fix your “old-fashioned” image that your password policy is still stuck in the 1990s. @PWTooStrong

Post Office account signup form showing error message: "Password too long, max 12 characters"

Note #16055

That moment when you realise, to your immense surprise, that the research you’ve spent most of the year on might actually demonstrate the thing you set out to test after all. 😲
Screw you, null hypothesis.

Spreadsheet showing correlation the intersection of two variables.
