Note #24479

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Usually our dog ignores the television, but when a horse appeared it was interesting enough that she sat up to take notice.

A French Bulldog sits on a sofa looking up, with her tongue sticking out. An inset picture provides a wider view, showing that she's looking at a television screen showing a scene from The Fellowship of The Ring with a horse in it.

Not interesting enough for her to put away her half-asleep blep, though.


Note #24474

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

“What’chu lookin’ at?” our doggo appears to ask, this Fifteenth of Bleptember.

A French Bulldog lies on a rug, facing the camera with her tongue sticking out. Her expression makes it look like one eyebrow is raised.


Note #24471

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

If the most significant thing you achieve this Fourteenth of Bleptember is that you find a good spot to lie in a sunbeam… that’s still a win.

A French Bulldog wearing a teal jumper lies on her side on a doormat, in a sunbeam. Her tongue is sticking out slightly.


Note #24461

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Does there exist a more contented moment for this bleppy doggo than getting to lounge on the sofa with her favourite humans?

A French Bulldog lies on a patterned sofa with her tongue sticking-out. A human is in the background.


Note #24459

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Some days… you’re just so dog-tired you can’t even find the energy to pull your head into your basket with the rest of you.

A French Bulldog wearing a teal jacket lies half-asleep, half-in a basket, tongue half-out of her mouth (and half-on the floor).

This Twelfth of Bleptember’s a bit like that for me, too. I feel you, dog.


Note #24437

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Such poise! Such grace! While out for a run around with her doggy pals this Eleventh of Bleptember, our dog takes every opportunity to show off her elegance and style and definitely not just look like a derpy little wazzock.

A derpy-looking French Bulldog rolls around in a grassy field, her tongue lolling out.

Photo courtesy Lisa from Muddy Paws.


Note #24435

According to news media: today, a billionaire is being taken into space, where the crew will open the rocket door and put him outside.

The Polaris Dawn crew (billionaire Jared Isaacman, accompanied by a retired US Air Force pilot and two SpaceX employees) preparing to launch.

This seems like a great start, and I hope that the remaining 1,780+ billionaires left here on earth will be following suit soon.


Pickled onion crisps

Why don’t I like pickled onion crisps?

I like pickled onions. And I imagine that the flavourings used in pickled onion crisps are basically the onion flavouring from cheese & onion and the vinegar flavouring from salt & vinegar, both of which are varieties I like.

Note #24429

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

How is it the Tenth of Bleptember already? This young lady has so-far put off her morning nap and is instead intently watching me to see what I do next with my workday. Maybe it’ll involve dog treats! (Spoiler: it probably won’t. But you never know…)

Exaggerated soft-focus photo of a sitting French Bulldog looking up from her basket, her tongue sticking out.


Note #24420

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Happy Ninth of Bleptember! Today’s picture of our bleppy pupper comes from the rug near the front door. It’s certainly not as comfortable as her basket or bed, but it affords an excellent view of the comings-and-goings of the house. She flops down here, like a pancake, when she wants to be able to audit who’s in and who’s out at any given time (her dorky tongue hanging out all the while).

French Bulldog, her tongue sticking out, lying on a patterned rug on a wooden floor.


Note #24418

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Rainy Sundays like this Eighth of Bleptember are for bleppy cuddles on the sofa, not for running around outside.

A French Bulldog, her tongue sticking out and to the side, pokes her head between the knees of a person lying on a sofa in order to receive a scritch behind the ear.


Note #24416

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

There’s a squirrel over there and it Can’t. Be. Trusted. Demmy tries to explain her logic regarding the little furry tree-dwellers on a morning walk this Seventh of Bleptember.

A French Bulldog, her tongue slightly out, stares into the distance across a grassy field.


Alcoholic Alcohol-Free Beer

This evening, I’m reduced to re-alcoholising my alcohol-free beer. Unfortunately the cleanest-tasting vodka I have is “only” 40% ABV, so by adding enough of it to bring the beer back to its correct ABV… I’m technically watering-down the beer.

Pint glass having been filled with a carefully measured mixture of 0%ABV Guinness and vodka, with measuring spoons alongside.

This might be the strangest cocktail I’ve ever made.


Note #24412

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

A wet and grey school run this Sixth of Bleptember isn’t enough to take the spirit of adventure out of this dog. But neither will it encourage her to put her tongue away.

A French Bulldog on a grassy footpath looks out over a field, her tongue sticking out slightly.


Note #24402

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Jogging home after the school run has left the little pupper tired out this Fifth of Bleptember. She’ll need a long nap to save her energy for some zoomies later.

An about-to-fall-asleep French Bulldog lying on her side in a ragged fleece basket, her tongue sticking out.
