Horny and Silly

This year it’ll be 10 years since webcomic A Softer World ended its 12-year run. If you missed it, you can still go back and read them all, starting from asofterworld.com/index.php?id=1

But in the meantime, here’s one of my very favourites:

A Softer World comic #937. Three frames: the first shows a close-up of the chest and arm of a woman wearing a black sleeveless top; the second and third show the same woman spanning both frames. Across the three frames are typewriter-styled captions, reading: 'Sex is better if you're feeling', 'horny and silly in equal measure.', and 'Most things are!'

Dan Q found GC3KQK8 RRR11 Pillow talk!

This checkin to GC3KQK8 RRR11 Pillow talk! reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

My partner Ruth is, by installments, attempting to walk the entire Thames Path. Today, I’m on transport support so I’ve driven ahead of her to Culham Lock and the dog and I are walking back to meet her Abingdon Lock before we both come back down this way.

I mostly expect to target geocaches on my return journey, when I’ll also have a geokid with me, but this one basically leapt out at me as soon as I spotted the titular hiding place in an otherwise empty GZ! So I swiped, signed, and returned it while the geopup checked out the local smells. TFTC!