Digest for January 2017


This month I shared things you can do with Chrome’s dev console and reasons Ruby remains great. I didn’t do much else online of note.

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Posts marked by an asterisk (*) are referenced by the summary above.


Review of Transmissions: Element 120

This review originally appeared on Steam. See more reviews by Dan.

What do you expect for free? Well whatever you expect, you should expect more. This game takes the engine and content you know and love from Half-Life 2, updates it, and dumps you into a whole new narrative with some fun new concepts (like using lights and darkness to manipulate enemies) and battles that should challenge even the most-hardened Half-Life player.

And did I mention it’s free? Go play it, and then go make a donation to the charity that the author recommends on their website. Worth every penny.

Things you probably didn’t know you could do with Chrome’s Developer Console

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

Chrome comes with built-in developer tools. This comes with a wide variety of features, such as Elements, Network, and Security. Today, we’ll focus 100% on its JavaScript console.

When I started coding, I only used the JavaScript console for logging values like responses from the server, or the value of variables. But over time, and with the help of tutorials, I discovered that the console can do way more than I ever imagined…

Ruby is still great! · Hendrik Mans

This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.

I realized something today:

Ruby is still great.

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks digging into some of the newer/fancier/shinier technologies that have been in the limelight of the development world lately – specifically Elixir, Phoenix and Elm – and while I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them all (and instantly had a bunch of fun ideas for things to build with them), I also realized once more how much I like Ruby, and what kind of project it’s still a great choice for…