Dan Q found GLBC0V48 on yer bike

This checkin to GLBC0V48 on yer bike reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Last cache of the day for tajasel and I. Ironically, we’d brought our bikes with us but had to leave them on the other side of Radley Wood, after we’d gotten bogged down in mud, and had to go back for them AFTER signing the log of the “on yer bike” cache. Of all the people wearing cycle helmets to visit “on yer bike”, tajasel is probably the first such person to not actually be on a bike!

Dan Q found GLBC0T42 The runaway prince

This checkin to GLBC0T42 The runaway prince reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

Off for an afternoon’s caching with tajasel, we decided on a whim against our plan to go down the Thames Path and instead found ourselves further West, in Radley Wood. We spotted this cache listing, and thought we’d give it a go… and we’re really glad we did! A fantastic cache with a wonderful puzzle theme; the “decoder” is a wonderful idea; I really love it. Thanks for a great cache!