Last weekend, I got to go to the wedding of Liz and Simon. Particular highlights included:

- Liz & Simon getting married! Aww. Congratulations to you both!
- Catching up with ex-Aberites from far and wide. Drinking, dancing, and talking about religion, philosophy, and sex.
- The céilidh, which is one of the best wedding ideas ever, not least because everybody gets to dance with the bride.
- A fantastic venue: the beautiful St. Mary’s Guildhall, in Coventry (a city with, it seems, a half-dozen nice buildings nestled in between a thousand concrete monstrosities and a ring road modeled on Satan’s anus itself).
- Delicious food! And cake! And (veggie) sausage sandwiches just as we were beginning to run out of energy to continue dancing!
- Speeches – both moving and funny – from the bride’s father, the groom, and the best man… but all were beaten by Kellie, a 2 year-old guest whose own short but hilarious speech, “I’m pooing!”, which she shouted from the balcony of the dining room.

Further reading:
- Bryn’s blog post about the event, and the photos he’s uploaded to Facebook.
- Liz’s first and second blog posts about the day. The first one was actually written on her wedding day: how she found time I’ll never know!
- Tweets from Bryn and Claire.
- Liz & Simon’s change of relationship status on Facebook.
- Facebook statuses from Matt P, Ruth, and Liz.