A very brief summary of some of the things I got up to last weekend with Ruth:
- Alice Cooper concert in Nottingham.
- Absolutely spectacular: it’s amazing that this over-60-year-old man can spend a couple of hours singing and dancing and leaping around and being executed – I was tired just watching him.
- Great to hear a setlist with a good mix of his older material as well as stuff from his latest album. Vengeance Is Mine was particularly brilliant to see performed live.
- Support band Man-Raze were pretty good, too.
- Wedding of my old college friend Richard to his wife Kathryn.
- He works as a tax inspector these days, and we found ourselves sat at a table of his tax inspector buddies and their (bored-looking, during a brief period in which they were “talking shop”) partners.
- Think we managed to upset the bride quite a lot (although, to be fair, we were only the messengers): after picking up a slice of wedding cake and returning to the table we presently shared with the bride and groom, Ruth turned to the bride and said “We must have missed you cutting the cake?” She replied, “We… we didn’t cut the cake, yet!” Whoops. Turns out that the hotel staff got the wrong end of the stick somewhere and sliced the cake for them!

- Was nice to see my family. Sarah and Ruth seem to be getting along a lot better than they used to, as well.
- Preston has a late-night ice cream parlour! How cool is that? (I know perfectly well that it sounds like slang for a drug dealer, as in, “I’m going to the late-night ice cream parlour: want some tutti frutti?”, or perhaps a brothel)
Mmm ice-cream. It had smarties in!
Richard? Who’s this Richsrd person? I thought you where going to shakesperes wedding?!?