LiveJournal Sells

Following up yesterday’s rumours, it can now be seen that, officially, LiveJournal has been sold to SixApart. The details look pretty good – the service will remain much as-it-is, nobody will be ‘migrated’ to TypePad or MoveableType, and – better yet – LiveJournal might actually (finally) get some much-needed new features, such as trackback (which can be seen in effect right here, on my post yesterday – this post will be linked as a ‘trackback’ comment, because this post follows it up – with trackback, this kind of thing can be posted cross-journal, too).

Ah; Computers

Heh! Celoxis, a web-based project management tool we‘ve been experimenting with, e-mailed me twice today – just past midnight, and half an hour later – to remind me that it will be my birthday on Saturday (in case I didn’t know). Better yet, our mail server picked up on these e-mails and flagged them as ‘spam’. Wonderful.

LiveJournal May Be Sold

I hear that LiveJournal – one of the world’s biggest blogging communities (and home to most of the blogs syndicated by Abnib) – is to be sold to SixApart, a TypePad/MoveableType-based blog-host.

What effect this will have on holders of existing LiveJournal accounts – particularly paid accounts – is as yet unknown. Nonetheless, I think this could be a very interesting year for LJ bloggers.

Which “Secret Of Monkey Island” Character Are You?

Herman Toothrot

Golly, I’m Herman Toothrot. I’m unique, pleasent, er… unique. Oh, let’s face it, I’m an old pantless weirdo. I trained a bunch of monkeys to sail a ship back from a deserted island but didn’t go myself, I think my dead friend has never looked better, and I talk to people who aren’t there… kind of. But I don’t worry: that’s why everyone loves me.
*~What “Secret of Monkey Island” character are you?~*

Well; I saw that coming. The bigger question is: if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, what color is the tree?


Security Through Obscurity Reaches A New Low

PowerPizza! It’s a laptop bag that looks like a pizza box! No longer do you have to worry about your attractive laptop being an easy target for thieves – who’d want to steal a pizza box?

Fucking crazy. But I love it.

Completed Half-Life 2

(don’t worry – no spoilers) Well – I’ve finished Half-Life 2. I must say, it just got more and more stunning. The weapon you’re left using for the last two chapters is simply wonderful (think: gravity gun v2.0). The finish is… simply stunning, and suddenly the G-Man seems even more mysterious than ever… it’s just… wow.

There’s this empty space I need to fill with Half-Life 3.

The downside: it was too short – I was hoping for about another three hours of ‘gametime’ from it. Plus, there are things I’d have liked to have seen but didn’t (monsters I saw but never got to fight, mysteries left unanswered [including most of the ones from the prequel], etc.), and I found the final fights a little too easy (although I have the option to just replay any chapter at any difficulty level, so I can crank it up to Hard and try again). That, and, I feel a major lack of closure – despite a very deliberate ‘build-up’, that game ended in a way that felt quite abrupt and ‘unfinished’ (perhaps the last challenge was a little obvious to me, or something).

In any case – it’s well worth playing, and pretty much anyone I know is welcome to play through it on Duality, if they so wish. Now I’m going to go browse the forums for easter eggs and tips about what’s coming in Half-Life 3.