Social Hacking

Social hacking is perhaps the biggest buzz ever.


That is all.

Postcard From Kit And Fi

Received a postcard this morning from Kit & Fi, and it’s as much to many of you lot as it is to me, so I’ll relay it to you here:

Postcard from Mull

Dear Dan, Claire, Paul, Bryn + Ruth, JTA, Andy, Siân & any other Troma fanatics (Jon + Hayley I’m guessing!)
Just thought we would write you a card to say we haven’t forgotten you all! On holiday in Mull, just finished making a Rhubarb crumble and will be planning trips to Iona + Oban. Should get down for freshers, but Fi will have to stay here – being a student and all!
Wish I could be with you all more! I do miss you!
Look after yourselves – say hi to the nocturnal bunch for me.
Love Kit + Fi… (it looks like it might say “Fio” or “Fiona”, but the stamp has been stuck over it)

Thanks for that, Kit, Fi. Made my morning (I usually only get envelopes with windows in them through my door). And yes, Kit, you got the postcode right.


Top 100 Movies According To Time

Paul: you might be interested in this (just for the challenge of watching them all) – Time have produced their top 100 movies list; take a look.

Claire and I went out with Sundeep last night to Reload at the Students Union, which was surprisingly good fun, apart from that weird man who briefly kidnapped Claire and the queues for the bar.

And in other news, progress seems to be being made on a number of new RockMonkey WikiGames, including Ruth‘s much-anticipated “The Adventures Of Tootie and Sweetie in the Land of the Happy Pixies”, which I’m looking forward to.

Keep Away From Fire

I hadn’t noticed before, but my jeans have a little label in them, sewn in right by my crotch. It reads:

Keep Away From Fire

Yeah; no shit – that’s my knob we’re talking about. Like I need a warning.

Another Quote From Claire

She’s particularly dippy tonight –

Woman on TV shopping channel, talking about product: “This is the R.S.P.C.A sleepshirt…”
Claire (commenting on apparent stupidity of presenter): “I bet she can’t even spell R.S.P.C.A.”

Quote From Claire

Claire: I’m not very confident about my exam this Saturday. That’s why I haven’t done any revision. And why I stopped attending the lectures.

Life Among Stressed Students

It’s exam week, and so I find myself surrounded by stressy students. Sundeep, in particular, worries far too much about her exams; but even Claire‘s not immune: while on the surface she’s fine, she’s been having weird dreams (of missing an exam… of failing an exam… spot a theme?) and has been getting frustrated easily. It took until I pointed this out that she noticed that this could be a result of subconscious stress about the exams. Bless. I remember being a student… while I too would always be cool as a cucumber, particularly challenging exams left me with (more) bizarre dreams for about a week afterwards.

Watched the Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy movie yesterday. It wasn’t as good as the TV series, which in turn wasn’t as good as the radio show, which in turn wasn’t as good as the books. But it was still pretty good: suitably trippy and “out there”, and with some great interpretations of the story and ways of putting it forward (including a stunning-looking scene where Arthur and Slartibartfast zip around the construction site of Earth II). A little fast-paced, it could have spread the story out a little more and thereby left less of the audience so confused, but as somebody who knew the story already, it made great watching.

Played through Full Throttle (on ScummVM) for the first time in years. It’s a short adventure game, with some ludicrously stupid puzzles, but it really is fun. When you’re hanging on the front of an armoured battle truck heading at breakneck speed for a cliff while the driver tries to shoot you with a pistol… and you panic… and look at your inventory… and the best thing you can think of to do is to shove a battery-powered fluffy bunny toy into the air intake… bzzzrrrt… “Fun!”, that game says. Ah, sweet. JTA, I’m assuming that now your exam is out of the way that you’ll be wanting a copy.

Rocking soundtrack, too, mostly by The Gone Jackals.

Work is good: I’m on a nice project that’s keeping me well-enthused, albeit also taking a lot of my time. It’s got polymorphic recursive PHP5 code in, that forms middleware between a relational database and an object-oriented model, so that’s pretty cool.

Speaking of programming, does anybody want to take on Jimmy‘s RockMonkey BigCloud Mapper (scroll down) challenge this summer? I don’t have the time or the inclination myself, but I’ll lend support to anybody who does.