Let’s Get Packing!

A huge thank you to Paul and whoever his four unnamed helpers were who helped to pack up a lot of the stuff in The Flat this weekend into a huge stack of boxes. This is an enormously good start, and really morale-inspiring for Claire and I. Thank you.

Now; we’re not ungrateful or anything, but you lot do know we’re not moving for another week and a half, right? We came back, expecting that Paul would have, as he implied, cleared up the kitchen window ledge… and, in actual fact, this is just about the only part of The Flat that hasn’t been moved, disassembled, or put into a box… eek!

But seriously: Paul, and whoever your four helpers are (and I’d appreciate you naming them) – thank you!



  1. When I said “windowsill” I meant the one behind the settee, not the one in the kitchen. Still, once the washing up is done you are BANNED from cooking until after the move…

    You can thank Gareth, Liz and Jimmy for getting carried away and boxing up half the flat…

    I’ll bring some more boxes later on in the week. It won’t hurt to get as much done as soon as possible, especially considering you’re moving on a weekday…

  2. It looks no more or less messy than usual to me ^_^;

  3. We’ve already made a floor-to-ceiling stack of boxes – just enough to give the impression to outsiders we’ve vaguely serious. Anyway, don’t discourage me. I’m trying to work up the courage to tackle the kitchen sink…

  4. You can thank Suz and Alec too, they helped! Hope all the boxes were labelled well enough for you. I know it’s early, but Paul was insistant that we started, and we tried to only pack stuff you wouldn’t actually need in the next week or so. If you need anything that we’ve packed, it should be in one of the boxes labelled “+shit”.

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