Last night, Paul, Claire, Pete and I sat down, beer and gin and Dooley’s to hand, and watched the entire first series of 80’s kids TV game show Knightmare, taking a drink every time:
- Team gives directions to dungeoneer that they can’t possibly follow. (“Go through the door.”)
- Team gives wrong directions to dungeoneer. (“Turn left… no; I mean right…”)
- Dungeoneer forgets how to differentiante between left and right. (“Take a small step to the right… I said RIGHT!”)
- Dungeoneer gets to the next level.
- Dungeoneer dies horribly.
- Dungeoneer dies as a result of having not picked up a particular item in a previous room, but having been given no clue that they should have. (“You brought the silver bar, but you should have brought the gold bar; idiot.”)
- Dungeoneer picks up an obvious red herring. (“On the table is a key, a ruby, and a small red fish.” “Take the fish! The fish!”)
- Dungeoneer does something patently stupid. (“I know I can carry two items, but let’s not bother – let’s leave the obvious clues right here in this room we can never come back to.”)
- Particularly clever riddle; one which none of us manage to solve.
- Merlin.
- Knight brutally killed by magic.
This, coupled with a gratuitous amount of shouting things like “Spellcasting! M-O-R-O-N!” whenever teams did anything particularly stupid lead to a fun evening for all.