Re-Arranging The Flat

Yes, the the rumours you’ve heard are true – The Flat has been rearranged. In a mighty effort (and with the help of Claire, Paul and Bryn), we’ve pretty much ‘mirrored’ the room widthways. This change provides several benefits:

  • Space saved has been reinvested in floor space and room for two sets of shelves.
  • Computer equipment is no longer stored beside the sink.
  • Instead of not being able to reach any of the shelves in the flat, Claire can now not reach merely some of them. =o)
  • Computer monitors are now not affected by the magnetic fields of the stereo speakers.
  • Webcam has a better view of the room, and possibility has been opened for a second webcam to be added (Troma Night veterans beware!).
  • Less stacking of boxes.
  • More space for seating at Troma Night.
  • More space for games on…

[damaged post partially recovered on multiple occasions]