I'm Dan Q. I've spent the last 25+ years creating and writing on the Internet.

I work at Automattic and volunteer with Three Rings. I live with my partner, her husband, two kids and a dog. I can sometimes be found out geo*ing, cycling, or performing magic.

I believe in open source, open relationships, and opening doors to marginalised groups.

Photograph of Dan, his ponytail hanging over the shoulder of his black t-shirt, smiling from behind his beard and waving to the camera.

    As a kid, I enjoyed a 1983 program that dynamically generated insults. So I found a copy of it, reverse-engineered it, and reimplemented it in Perchance. Who wants to be insulted? Read more →

  • The Continuum

    Inspired by Geneveive Raine's "The Continuum", I turned all of my blog post's featured images into a stripy picture. Read more →

  • BBC News RSS... your way!

    It turns out my filtered BBC News RSS feeds are more-popular than I thought, so I've launched a new site with all of them (plus all the source code to produce them) in a variety of editions. Read more →

  • Blog Questions Challenge

    I must be the last blogger on Earth left to do Ava/Kev's 'Blog Questions Challenge'. Let's get to it. Read more →

  • God's Adviser

    When I was a young child I took part in a school nativity play, and was so insistent about picking holes in the theological inconsistencies implied by the script that I had to be expelled from the classroom. Here's how it went down. Read more →

  • Sabbatical Lesson #2: Burnout

    The second lesson I took from my sabbatical was that it's possible to risk burnout (and therefore, it's important to be aware of and ready to counteract it) even when you're not working (in the conventional sense). Fortunately, my coach is on hand to help. Read more →

  • BBC News RSS... with the sport?

    Somebody commented on my blog to say they liked my "BBC News... Without The Crap" script, but still wanted sports news in their RSS feed. Luckily, I know just the person for the job: me! Read more →

  • Trump's Strategy

    I've worked out what convicted felon Donald Trump's endgame strategy is! And I can explain it... through the medium of a comic in the art style of Sid Meier's Civilization! Read more →

  • Can AI retroactively fix WordPress tags?

    My blog's tagging is a mess. With posts going back 27 years, an inconsistent taxonomy, and changes in focus, that's pretty-much inevitable. Perhaps an AI can help: reading through old under-tagged posts and suggesting tags that could be added? Let's try it... Read more →

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  • Found GC2F23P A Road Anarchy - A40 Eastbound to Oxford

    No logs here since… 2023!? Mindboggling.The geopup and I were out running some errands this damp afternoon and figured we’d take a walk near here. Spotting the cache on our radar we took a short diversion to find this cache, which despite not having a visitor yet this year nor for the entirety of last […] Read more →

  • Post: Piano Repair

    The sustain pedal broke on our upright piano.
    Normally the insides of the piano are a terrifying place that only our tuner gets to look at. A scary realm whose mysteries I cannot begin to comprehend.
    But I was feeling very brave, so I popped it open, found this troublesome hinge, and bodged a fix. It sounds great.
    I feel accomplished.

  • Reply to Ed Catmull on Change

    Matt talked about change, and mentioned the history of WordPress. I weighed-in, talking about my (positive) experience of open source in an environment of change, and contrasting it to fighting with Squiz CMS at the Bodleian! Read more →

  • Post: Step #1

    I have A Plan for today. Step #2 involves a deep-dive into Algolia search indexing, ranking, and priority, to understand how one might optimise for a diverse and complex dataset.
    So obviously step #1 involves a big ol' coffee and a sugary breakfast. Here we go...

  • The 55 Words you Can't Say in Faster Payments

    Step aside, George Carlin! Sam Easterby-Smith wants to share with the world the 55 words you can't say in a UK faster payments reference. Read more →

  • "I'm only asking for basic respect." - Dr. Beth Upton, in the face of a hostile courtroom, media, and world.
    Her fucking bravery is amazing. 💖

  • After “fixing” BBC News’ RSS feeds I noticed that I was seeing less news (and, somehow, stressing less over everything happening in the USA). Turns out that in switching myself to my new system I’d subscribed to the UK edition, whereas previously I’d been on the Full edition. I’ve corrected it now in my RSS […] Read more →

  • UK’s secret Apple iCloud backdoor order is a global emergency, say critics

    The UK seems to be strongarming Apple to weaken the security of its consumer products, which is fucking stupid. Weakened and backdoored encryption in mainstream products doesn't help catch smart criminals. But it does help smart criminals to catch regular folks. Read more →

  • Post: Bishop McBishopface

    Don’t Bishops normally get to retain their regular name? This BBC News headline makes it sound like we’re gonna end up with Bishop McBishopface! × Read more →

  • Reading more rolled papyri

    In kind-of local news, I see that the folks at Diamond Light Source (which I got to visit last year) have been helping the Bodleian (who I used to work for) to X-ray one of their Herculaneum scrolls (which I've written about before). That's really cool. Read more →

  • Post: Cafe Proximity Principles

    Possible future presentation concept: using a cafe/dining metaphor to help explain the proximity principle in user interface design (possibly with a “live waitstaffing” demo?).Great idea? Or stupid idea? × Read more →

  • On Wednesday, Vodafone announced that they’d made the first ever satellite video call from a stock mobile phone in an area with no terrestrial signal. They used a mountain in Wales for their experiment.It reminded me of an experiment of my own, way back in around 1999, which I probably should have made a bigger […] Read more →

  • Note #25595

    Back at work after a three-month break, and it turns out the first thing that I’d missed is my team’s quirky morning ritual. × Read more →

  • Found GCA1K70 Oak Protection

    After claiming the FTF on the new cache to the North East, the geohound and I continued our walk with a wander through thy woods, eventually finding ourselves near this gate. I’d nearly attempted this cache during a previous visit to these woods but IIRC was dragged right past it by impatient dogs, children, or […] Read more →

  • Found GCB2FZ4 Family Fun #2

    FTF! It’s been a while since I’ve typed that!Woke this morning slightly hungover and figured a nice walk with the geopup might help me feel better. And what an opportunity: a brand new cache only a short way from home!Jumped in the car and zipped up to Church Hanborough, parking near the cemetery/allotments because the […] Read more →

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