Philosophical Health Check

Note: this page is broken in a big way.


I picked this up in a slightly different format from a friend’s weblog, and decided that it was better suited to being an online survey, like this one.

Just assert all of the statements (yes, all of them) with “true” or “false” for your philosophical health check. Read every statement carefully.


1. There are no objective moral standards; moral judgements are merely an expression of the values of a particular culture. true false
2. The right to life is so fundamental that financial considerations are irrelevant in any effort to save lives. true false
3. There exists an all-powerful, loving and good God. true false
4. There are no objective truths about matters of fact; “truth” is always relative to particular cultures and individuals. true false
5. The environment should not be damaged unnecessarily in the pursuit of human ends. true false
6. So long as they do not harm others, individuals should be free to pursue their own ends. true false
7. Voluntary euthanasia should remain illegal. true false
8. World War II was a just war. true false
9. Having made a choice, it is always possible that one might have chosen otherwise. true false
10. Homosexuality is wrong because it is unnatural. true false
11. It is not always right to judge individuals solely on their merits. true false
12. Severe brain damage can rob a person of all consciousness and selfhood. true false
13. It is quite reasonable to believe in the existence of a thing without even the possibility of evidence for its existence. true false
14. Judgements about works of art are purely matters of taste. true false
15. The Government should not permit the sale of health treatments that have not been tested for efficacy and safety. true false
16. Acts of genocide stand as a testament to man’s ability to do great evil. true false
17. Governments should be allowed to increase taxes sharply to save lives in the developing world. true false
18. To allow an innocent child to suffer needlessly when one could easily prevent it is morally reprehensible. true false
19. The Holocaust is a historical reality that took place more or less as the history books report. true false
20. People should not travel by car if they can walk, cycle or take a train instead. true false
21. The possession of drugs for personal use should be decriminalised. true false
22. Individuals have sole rights over their own bodies. true false
23. It is always wrong to take another person’s life. true false
24. The future is fixed; how one’s life unfolds is a matter of destiny. true false
25. Proper sanitation and medicines are generally good for a society. true false
26. In certain circumstances, it might be desirable to discriminate positively in favour of a person as recompense for harms done to him/her in the past. true false
27. On bodily death, a person continues to exist in a non-physical form. true false
28. Atheism is a faith just like any other, because it is not possible to prove the non-existence of God. true false
29. Michaelangelo is one of history’s finest artists. true false
30. Alternative and complementary medicines are as valuable as mainstream medicines. true false

Double check that you’ve answered all the questions, then click the button.

(if you\'ve done the test before and now you\'d like to see all of the tensions, click here and then click the submit button)
