Note #24591

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

“You want more Bleptember pictures? I demand payment in the form of tummy-scritches!”

A French Bulldog lying on her side on a sofa, her tongue slightly out, enjoying a tummy scritch.

(Wow, it’s the penultimate day of Bleptember. )


Bletchley Park

The eldest is really getting into her WW2 studies at school, so I arranged a trip for her and a trip to the ever-excellent Bletchley Park for a glimpse at the code war that went on behind the scenes. They’re clearly looking forward to the opportunity to look like complete swots on Monday.

Dan sits on a padded bench in a cinema-style room, pointing his thumb at the two children sitting on a row in front of him.

Bonus: I got to teach them some stories about some of my favourite cryptanalysts. (Max props to the undersung Mavis Batey!)


Note #24584

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Tttttthbbptt. The sound of a bleppy dog deflating like a balloon, this Twenty-Eighth of Bleptember

A French Bulldog in a dog bed, her legs tucked beneath her, her face on the rim of the cushion, her tongue almost-entirely out.


Note #24566

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

This Bleptember pic looks a bit like a political poster to me. Vote Dog, for a future with More Ham, Fewer Vacuum Cleaners!

A French Bulldog, sitting upright, at the left of the frame, facing up and right, with her tongue sticking out.


Wave Hello Trilogy

The YouTube channel @simonscouse has posted exactly two videos.

The first came a little over ten years ago. It shows a hand waving and then wiggling its fingers in front of a patterned wallpaper:

The second came a little over five years ago, and shows a hand – the same hand? – waving in front of a painting of two cats while a child’s voice can be heard in the background:

In a comment on the latter, the producer promised that it’s be “only another 5 years until the trilogy is completed”.

Where’s the third instalment, Simon? We’re all waiting to see it!

Note #24536

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

A round of especially-crazy zoomies on the morning of this Twenty-Sixth of Bleptember was apparently too much for this little pupper, who’s now looking like she’s in need of a morning nap.

A French Bulldog lies on her side, half-in and half-out of a basket, her face resting on its side on the floor with her tongue sticking out.


Note #24533

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Happy Twenty-Fifth of Bleptember from our adorkable doggle.

A French Bulldog sits in a corner, looking alert, with her tongue sticking out.


Note #24529

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

The Twenty-Fourth of Bleptember will go down as a Good Day in the diary of our warmth-loving dog. It was finally cold and autumnal enough that we lit the fireplace, affording her the opportunity to snuggle up as close to it as we’d permit her too.

A French Bulldog lies on a soft bed in front of a lit fireplace. Her tongue sticks out from her contented face.


Note #24526

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Our doggo’s sleepy face this rainy Twenty-Third of Bleptember seems to say: “Mondays, am I right?”

A sleepy-looking French Bulldog lies on a throw, her tongue out the side of her mouth.


Note #24520

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

Sofa time is best time.

A happy-looking French Bulldog peeps over the back of the sofa on which she stands, her tongue slightly out.


Note #24518

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

It looks like a rainstorm is imminent this Twenty-First of Bleptember, but that won’t stop this optimistic blepper from waiting near the front door in case anybody’s willing to take for a walk.

A French Bulldog wearing a harness lies on a rug in a hallway. Her tongue is sticking out.

(She hates the rain, but sometimes if she’s found it to be pouring down out the back door she’ll insist on checking out the front door to see if it’s raining there too.)


Note #24514

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

When she’s in need of some love and attention, like this Twentieth of Bleptember, my dog will place herself underfoot at my desk. She won’t necessarily put her blep away, though.

A French Bulldog, her tongue sticking out and folded over itself by her underbite, stands under a desk while a hand pets her neck.


Note #24503

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

She might not have completely slept through me serving her a dog treat this Nineteenth of Bleptember, but our dog was still dozy enough from her nap that she didn’t notice for a while that I’d placed it directly onto her bleppy tongue. 😅

Note #24485

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

“Is is walkies time yet? How about now? Now? What about now?” Her blep partially-engaged, our doggo buzzes with excited anticipation as I put on my shoes.

A French Bulldog, her tongue slightly out, looks up with interest in her eyes from a spot on a laminate wooden floor.


Note #24481

This post is part of 🐶 Bleptember, a month-long celebration of our dog's inability to keep her tongue inside her mouth.

More mlem than blep, but I ❤️ this picture of our happy pupper mid-playtime too much not to share it with you this Seventeenth of Bleptember.

Close-up of a French bulldog, her tongue hanging completely out and her head cocked to the side, as she stands on a park bench.

Photo courtesy Lisa from Muddy Paws.
