
I’ve been trying to comment more on other people’s blogs. It’s tough, because comment forms continue to wane in popularity, and it’s not always clear who’ll accept Webmentions, but there’s often the option of a good old-fashioned email or a fediverse ping.

It occurred to me that I follow a significant number of personal blogs, and my privacy systems mean I’m a bit of a ghost to most analytics systems they might use, so the only way they’d ever know I was there would be if I said so.

Plus, the Internet is better when it’s social. There are some great people out there, and I’m enjoying meeting them!

(You’re welcome to throw comments, Webmentions, or emails my way, of course, too!)


  1. Tulip Tulip says:

    Comments really do make the Internet more fun! Well, pleasant ones at least.
    It’s always fun to comment on content creator’s (seems too clinical a term) posts like that and remind them that their efforts are consumed and they are appreciated!

    I enjoy reading your blog posts plenty, and do keep up with them, but haven’t commented for a bit.

    The death of twitter has finally made me much more comfortable with the idea that microblogging of that format is just not for me, and I’ve built systems to allow me to follow feeds on those sites which I do care about, but I really do feel bad about the fact that those systems mean I cannot comment on them, and let content creators know their work is appreciated!

    And one downside of comments on individual blogs like this, is that I don’t think there’s a mechanism to notify if you do reply to this, unless I save the blog post link for later and check it again. (which, I shall endeavour to do!)

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Yeah. Some places will say “check the box and you’ll get an email on reply”, but that always feels to me like crossing too many lines between different media.

      And (on my blog at least) you can subscribe to the comments on a particular post by RSS… and I’ve done that in places before (if I make a Metafilter post I’ll usually subscribe to comments on it in my reader)… but it still feels a little high-friction.

      Something to solve down the line, maybe.

  2. Roy Roy says:

    I am also trying to comment more on blog posts. Webmentions are cool, but are not a conversation.

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