Reply #12885

This is a reply to a post published elsewhere. Its content might be duplicated as a traditional comment at the original source.

a kind of synth bagpipe on Twitter (Twitter)

“the local part of my email address is just the letter ‘d’ by itself, which means microsoft has imposed the interesting restriction that my randomly generated password cannot contain the letter ‘d’”

@notrevenant @PWtoostrong you wouldn’t believe how often I’m told I’m not allowed to use the letter “Q” in passwords, because “my password mustn’t contain my surname”. O_o

Note #12883

Letter addressed to Dan Q, Developer, Bodleian Libraries.

Received a letter to “Dan Q, Developer”. In case there’s multiple Dan Qs @bodleianlibs? Nope: everyone‘s had the last word of their job title: Wikmedian in Residence > “Residence”, Press & Media Officer > “Officer”… #mailmerge #fail?
