Last night’s dream:
I visited the house of Simon [my boss] to collect £49.97 which, in my dream, he owed me. He and his wife, Jill, were there. Simon gave me a £50 note, but I didn’t have three pence in change, so I have him a five pence piece and he gave me two pennies.
Perhaps there’s something wrong with me.
Last night I dreamt I was in an RPG-type computer game, and I knew it, and I knew that my existence would be snuffed out if we completed it. And I was trying to convince the other members of my party that this was the case without alerting the person playing the game. Maybe there’s something wrong with both of us.
Ruth: I’ve read a comic similiar to that I’m sure. TOo much cheese before bed obviously.
Sarah, Ruth:
Conceivably, you’re both thinking of Kid Radd, which I know Ruth, at least, has read.
It’s the one with the hot pink-haired chick and the comedy sprite animations. Not quite a match for the dream, but relatively close…