Operation: Ursidius Migration

Claire and I have sorted out where we’re going to live following the announcement that we were to move out of The Flat on Cambrian Place.

Despite a fruitless first few weeks of house-hunting we’ve finally found somewhere which is pretty much ideal: a little larger than The Flat, not too much more expensive, and still centrally located. More information on the move and the steps it will involve can be found on the RockMonkey page “TheFlat“, including a debate on naming the new residence.

We’ll be moving on Wednesday 14th December. Time to start cashing in on all those favours we’ve built up by helping everybody we know move house over the last three years! (Kit can be let off with not helping)



  1. Nice one! I’ll give you a hand moving in, but as far as I know I don’t owe you anything- so you will have to be my slave sometime. I’ll think of something.

  2. I’ll try and fit your move into my busy and hectic schedule. I might only be able to give you a total of 48 hours over those two days. Sorry.

  3. Dan Q Dan Q says:

    You know, Matt – I read that first time and went “Ah well, at least he’s willing to help as much as he can.” Then I realised.

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