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Dan Q
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"According to a survey released on 26 November 2003, one-third of US visitors to Scotland believed the haggis to be a real creature."
Edit; 5th July 2007: Thanks, Wikipedia. Thwikipedia.
Here’s our predictions:
This is a reply to a post published elsewhere. Its content might be duplicated as a traditional comment at the original source.
Something surprised me today. I was looking through the various blog-posts relating to the nastiness with the Union, and I was quite shocked to realise how many of the people that I (certainly now, probably always) think of as nightliners are now, in fact, ex-nightliners.
And I thought about the influence that those people had had on me, on who I am and how I answer that phone, and I realised something that hadn’t really occured to me before: even though we have a high turnover, and people aren’t normally with us for more than three or four years, that doesn’t mean that the org ‘loses’ them. Each successive generation of nightliners is built on the last.
And whilst, to the people answering the phones in ten years time, our current struggles may seem distant (if they aren’t forgotten entirely), hopefully we can achieve the kind of changes in our relationship with the Union which will mean that they are free to get on with doing what we’re here to do.