Build Your Own Tin Foil Hat has a guide to building your own “Thought Screen Helmet”. From the website:

The thought screen helmet blocks telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. When aliens can’t communicate or control humans, they do not take them.

The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only two failures were reported since 1998.

Go read it. It’s funny.

Happy Birthday To Me

Thanks to everybody who came to Troma Night to celebrate my birthday on Saturday: that was fab. And special thanks to Hayley for baking a cake, and Jon for suggesting the decoration.

Dan's birthday cake, as made by Hayley - the star!

Troma Night was fun, and so was Geek Night (despite being just Andy, Claire and I) – a three-player game of Munchkin is actually sensible and bearable, without too much endgame backstabbing! The rest of the weekend I’ve spent playing with pyDance – a free, open source dance machine game (I’ve been trying to get the hang of composing steps in it), playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (which is pretty cool) and reading Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar (a birthday gift from Claire).

Speaking of which, have any of you usual folks not seen Claire’s blog-post about the concert in Cardiff yet? Who’s coming? Tickets are reasonabley-priced but selling fast.
