Well; it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow, and I know that some folks (like Bryn, Matt, and Liz) are back in town – what’s everybody want to do to see in the New Year (as good an excuse for merriment as any other)?
Well; it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow, and I know that some folks (like Bryn, Matt, and Liz) are back in town – what’s everybody want to do to see in the New Year (as good an excuse for merriment as any other)?
Lets have a party!!
Sounds good to me, but you might need to be a little more specific. Shall we all just bundle into somebody’s house with wine and music and count down the end of the year? Or should we all dress up in silly things and go out on the town?
If you need a house to bundle into, I’d like to offer Maldwyn. Located within easy walking distance of town, it is equipped with two kitchens for cocktail-making, two bathrooms for cocktail-regurgitating, and three lovely residents, two of which no nothing about this offer. Yet.
But going out soudns good as well. I’ll follow the alcohol.
Doh, so it wasn’t Beckham that invented the telephone.
Damn-it, I’m not anonymous, just stupid.
That sounds like a great idea to me – cocktails at Maldwyn. What does everybody else think?
‘no’ nothing? ‘NO’ nothing?! I’m so not with it today.
Are we going to Maldwyn then? What time?
Yes, we’re going to Maldwyn (see?). Time? Who knows. Whenever. =o)