Look what I found while I was wasting time on the ‘net this morning.
Day: 1 September 2003
Pathetic Motorways
I kid you not – there’s a web site dedicated to the pathetic motorways of the United Kingdom, with reasons why they’ve been nominated as pathetic, photographs, maps, and the history of each road. Perhaps the oddest site you’ll see all day.
Edge of darkness
This is a repost promoting content originally published elsewhere. See more things Dan's reposted.
This repost was published in hindsight, on 22 March 2019.
Kit wrote:
A day of energy and focus. Paul and I hacking through stuff, fixing, tweaking, making work, prodding, pushing.
Its a slick operation. Paul and I discuss bugs and problems, mark them up on a whiteboard on the wall (installed for the purpose) and clear off fixed issues. Dan chews through problems in staccato style – a quick hit and run raid on a bad patch of bugs, followed by some Civilisation 3.
I spent much of the early part of the day creating new icons for the help section and improving some others. Later on Paul replaced me at the terminal – weaving together a gossamer of information into a cohesive and structured explanation of how the system works.
Bryn closes hostilities with a QA roundup. Vigorous and detailed, he pulled out anything he found that was out of place or untidy in the help system and listed it for change.
So its morning. We’re a touch behind schedule – but quality of the product is all. We are determined to fix the “showstoppers” (big bugs) and make a good dent in anything silly outstanding before we declare it released. I can see that taking a few more days.
Paul and I were left discussing its worth in our currently debris-strewn living room. What does this project actually mean? It means a lot – to me, to Dan, to everyone involved. Most of all its yet more proof of the magic that is Aberystwyth.
At the edge of darkness, all that is left is tomorrow.