Movie Title Mash-Ups

I’ve got a new favourite game, this week: Movie Title Mash-Ups (with thanks to Cougar Town). Ruth and I sat up far too late last night, playing it. Here’s how you do it:

Cougar Town characters playing Penny Can.
Cougar Town characters playing… no, wait… this is that OTHER game they play.

Movie Title Mash-Ups

Take two movie titles which share a word (or several words, or just a syllable) at the end of one and at the beginning of the other. Shmoosh them together into a combined movie title, then describe the plot of that movie in a single sentence by borrowing elements from both component movies. See if anybody can guess what your mash-up movies were.

Here are some examples. The answers are ROT13-encoded, but if you’re reading this post directly on my blog, you can click on each of them to decode them (once you’ve given up!).

Zombies claw their way out of a graveyard, and Batman spends most of the film hiding in the attic.
Gur Qnex Xavtug bs gur Yvivat Qrnq

While trapped in an elevator at the end of October, a superficial man is hypnotised into murdering a bunch of high-school students with knife.
Funyybj Unyybjrra

A crazy professor and a kid travel back in time in a souped-up car, where local bully Biff cuts off the kid’s hand and tells him he’s his father.
Gur Rzcver Fgevxrf Onpx gb gur Shgher

Bill Murray has to live the same day over and over, until he can survive the zombie apocalypse by escaping to an island.
Tebhaqubt Qnl bs gur Qrnq

A pair of alcoholic, out-of-work actors stay at the countryside house of a Monty, dangerous robot who has learned to override his programming.
Jvguanvy naq V, Ebobg

An evil genie who maliciously manipulates words and misinterprets wishes opens a portal between Eternia and Earth, which He-Man and Skeletor come through.
Jvfuznfgref bs gur Havirefr

A bunch of outlawed vigilante superheroes fight shapeshifters and werewolves as they investigate a mystical curse which threatens to shatter the fragile cease-fire between Dark and Light forces in Russia.
Avtug Jngpuzra

Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer hold a seance to communicate with subterranean humans who worship a giant bomb.
Jung Yvrf Orarngu gur Cynarg bs gur Ncrf

A lion cub born to a royal family grows up, climbs the Empire State Building, and fights aeroplanes.
Gur Yvba Xvat Xbat

James Bond is sent to investigate the murder of three British MI6 agents, who turn out to have been killed using a military satellite that concentrates the sun’s rays into a powerful laser. (hint: both films are James Bond films)
Yvir naq Yrg Qvr Nabgure Qnl

Your turn!

So, what can you come up with?



  1. @scatmandan a group of mentally ill patients are forced to build a bridge during the war – One flew over the Bridge on the River Kwai?

    1. @bryns Those don’t really have a word in common though, do they? I’d still watch that movie, though.

      1. @scatmandan “the” is the link word… which is quite tenuous I suppose

        1. @bryns Contrast #moviemashups: A lion cub born to royalty grows up, climbs Empire State Building, fights aeroplanes. – The Lion King Kong

          1. @scatmandan yeah, I came up with that one without reading your post :-)

          2. @scatmandan thinking about it, by the end the guys in Bridge were a bit insane themselves… so I could have been describing the original :-)

  2. JTA JTA says:

    Y’know I very nearly thought the last one was going to be The Man With the Goldeneye.

    Clearly there are far too many incredibly powerful, poorly-understood, LASERS in Bond films.

  3. Claire Q Claire Q says:

    A rich eccentric creates a suit of metal allowing him to fly and perform great feats of strength, and then adds a bit of carbon to the suit, with drastic consequences to his awesomeness and watchability.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Iron Man of Steel? (I haven’t seen Man of Steel, so I can’t be sure if you’re referencing a plot point or not, but your clue seems to be referencing steel production)

  4. Dan Q Dan Q says:

    Extra one for anybody who wants a bonus challenge:

    Nazis from the far side of the moon attack MI6, and Daniel Craig has to stop them.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      And another:

      A jury is assembled, but are hung eleven-to-one on the guilt or innocence of an insectoid alien; later their memories are erased by a pen-shaped device which flashes with a bright blue light.

      1. Adam Darby Adam Darby says:

        12 Angry Men In Black

  5. A tough San Franciscan Muggle needs to find a memory that is key to He-who-must-not-be-named’s downfall. In the end Harry has to ask if he feels lucky
    — Dirty Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Please visit my kickstarter about the movie mashups card game.

  6. Kiah Prince Kiah Prince says:

    A young Patrick Dempsey is tired of his life in the ocean; so he trades his voice for legs to attend his best friend’s wedding.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      The Little Mer-Made Of Honour! Genius.

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