Dan Q found GC51F07 Knapwell one and a half

This checkin to GC51F07 Knapwell one and a half reflects a geocaching.com log entry. See more of Dan's cache logs.

The second of two caches found on a morning walk from the nearby Cambridge Belfry Hotel, where some fellow volunteers and I met yesterday for a meeting. This cache looked so close, but being on the other side of the A428 meant that my route to get from one to the other side of the trunk road necessitated a long and circuitous route around half a dozen (ill-maintained) pegasus crossings around the perimeter of two large roundabouts! Thankfully traffic was quiet at this point if a Saturday morning.

Cache itself was worth the effort though. Feels like it’s increasingly rare to find a large, appropriately-camouflaged, well looked-after cache in a nice location, so FP awarded. TFTC!

Dan, his finger to his lips as-if in thought, looks at a finger post sign that indicates a public footpath to Knapwell (1½ miles).

Dan, his finger to his lips as-if in thought, looks at a finger post sign that indicates a public footpath to Knapwell (1½ miles).×


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