You know how sometimes I make a thing and, in hindsight, it doesn’t make much sense? And at best, all it can be said to do is to make the Internet more fun and weird?

I give you:
Things that make it awesome:

Well, the obvious.
Vanilla Javascript.

CSS animations timed to every-other-beat.
Using an SVG stroke-dasharray as a progress bar.
Progressively-enhanced; in the worst case you just get to download the audio.

PWA-enhanced; install it to your mobile!

Open source!
Decentralised (available via the peer-web at dat:// / dat://0a4a8a..00/)
Accessible to screen readers, keyboard navigators, partially-sighted users, just about anybody.
Compatible with digital signage at my workplace…
My office aren’t sick of this… yet.That is all.