TIL that microcomputer pioneer and inventor Clive Sinclair avoids the Internet because it “blurs the mind”

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The original link was: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7481940.stm

Personal flying machines will be a reality, home computer and electric car pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair has said.

He told BBC Radio 4’s iPM programme that soon it would be “economically and technically possible” to create flying cars for individuals.

Sir Clive is best-known for the Spectrum computer and his failed electric car effort, the C5.

“I’m sure it will happen and I am sure it will change the world dramatically,” he predicted.

Despite his pioneering work in the field of computers, Sir Clive told BBC Radio 4 he was not an internet user.

“I don’t use it myself directly,” he said, explaining that as an inventor he tried to avoid “mechanical and technical things around me so they don’t blur the mind”.

BBC News