Man Love For Dummies

Not to be beaten to press by Grow Some Balls And Quit, Gareth and Jon push forward the publication date of their own non-fiction volume:

Man Love For Dummies, the book

Man Love For Dummies

5 Stars A Real Eye-Opener by C. Waltham

I’ve always been curious about my sexuality. Am I gay? Am I straight? I just don’t know. This book has helped me a lot: seeing how an “out” couple like Gareth and Jon express themselves to one another through the physical act of lovemaking has helped me to realise my potential as a mincing shirt-lifter, and the illustrative pictures on the full-colour foldouts in the middle of the book are breathtaking. If, like me, you’ve ever wondered about man-on-man sex, this is the book for you.

4 Stars Good, but not great by bookworm331

I’ve been in a sexual relationship with a man for several years now, and to be honest, I didn’t think this book would do anything for us, but boy was I wrong. The authors’ – who are a genuine gay couple – frank advice revamped our sex life: more sex, better sex, and we’ve even discovered a new-found love for “toys” (thanks Chapter 6)

The down-to-earth tips in this book may seem crude to some, but if you’re new to the Man Love Scene (MLS) or if you’re just looking for a way to spice up your Man Love life, this is an invaluable guide.

My only criticism is that the middle section, which is filled with photographs of the authors themselves engaging in various sex acts, is uninspiring: if I really wanted to see two men lie head-to-tail and slap each other in the face with their penises, I’d go down the pub. This book delivers lots of useful knowledge, but, just like Jon in Chapter 7, it doesn’t go the extra mile.

1 Stars i dont get it by whiner

how can people even pick up this discusting book of sin! homosexuality is an ABOMINATION AGAINST GOD and they are going to bURN IN HELL for what they have done. If only these FAGS would pick up a real good book (hint: it’s the Bible!!!) for once in a while they wouldnt feel the need to force their vile urges upon schoolboys. I have not bought this book and neither should you.

Grow Some Balls And Quit

Jimmy‘s first book deal:

Grow Some Balls And Quit, the book

Grow Some Balls And Quit

5 Stars A Real Eye-Opener by C. Waltham

Until I read Carter’s book, I had no idea that I was being so pathetic. Grow Some Balls And Quit showed me that I was just being a whiny pussy and that I could take my life into my own hands without having to resort to stupid measures like personal therapists and life coaches. Thanks, Jimmy!

4 Stars Good, but not great by bookworm331

This book is full of great ideas about how to pull your finger out and fix your own problems, rather than just complaining to the rest of the world about how “it’s not fair,” or how you just got unlucky. Jimmy Carter compels us to take responsibility for our own problems and not ask other people to solve them for us.

I find it slightly hypocritical how he shuns self-help books, despite this being one, and more than a little sexist that he implies that the only way we can become self-reliant is to “grow some balls”: of course I realise this is a metaphor for courage, but the point remains the same.

I’d highly recommend this book to anybody: even if you’re not a liberal shithead you can lend it to your friends who are.

1 Stars i dont get it by whiner

How can people think that this book will solve all of their problems???! i have lots of problems and this book hasnt helped 1 bit!!! I was given a copy by a friend who said that it would help me pull myself together but all it does is insult me and tell me that i am useless. the only way to realy solve your problems is to put your trust in to the lord JESUS CHRIST.

Bryn Is A Sneaky Bastard

It’s official: Bryn is a sneaky bastard.

So last night, I’m just settling down to a glass of cheap red wine and a stack of about 40 student CVs when a lady called Shelley Upton – one of the interviewers I’ll be working with – comes up to me and hands me a folded piece of paper with “Dan” written on it. “I’ve been told to give you this,” she says, with a very serious face.

Not knowing what to expect, I slowly unfold the paper. Inside is a message:

“I’m out of the game. – B”

Off To Gregynog

As Claire said, and just like last year, I’m off to Gregynog to interview Computer Science undergraduates. I’ll be back on Sunday night. I guess that means that Troma Night this Saturday will be at Paul‘s.

Ele has a key to The Cottage so she can check up on Mario & Luigi, and I’ll be theoretically contactable on my mobile (although signal can be shaky out there) if need be.

Have a great weekend, folks.

Dear $agony_aunt;

Dear $agony_aunt;

I am an intelligent graduate with a low-paid but satisfying job writing computer software for businesses. I am a very rational person, taking things as the evidence presents them, unaffected by superstition and trusting in my own senses and morality. I am an atheist. I am a non-vegetarian, and, in fact, particularly enjoy red meat that still bleeds when I spear it with my steak knife. I read the popular science books. I carry an MP3 player that isn’t made by Apple. I can program a VCR, but I wouldn’t stoop to doing so in this increasingly digital world. I am an exemplary model of the boot-wearing geeky white male engineer that has become such an icon for everything I stand for. If I were born twenty years earlier I would have owned a slide rule and a pocket protector, and been shunned by society. Instead, I carry a camera phone and tell jokes down the pub after a curry with my friends.

Recently, while working on the website of a client of ours, an abbatoir, I found myself momentarily squeamish at the stack of corpses depicted in some of their publicity. Just momentarily, and I still fully understand how irrational this was – I’m no stranger to the way that food is prepared, and I’d quite happily kill animals myself in order to eat them – I wasn’t at ease.

Does this mean I’m gay?

