With this post, for the first time ever1, I’ve blogged for 99 consecutive days!2

- Kicking off my first sabbatical gave me lots of free time, and although I’ve mostly filled it with voluntary work and travel, there’s been a greater-than-usual amount of blogging (often about those two things!) too.
Posting a daily photo of my bleppy dog for the month of
SeptemberBleptember provided an early boost. - Travel’s given me more opportunity for geocaching (and, this last week, geohashing), as reflected in my copious checkin logs for that period.
- Earlier this year, inspired by Clayton Errington, I came up with a process to streamline my mobile blogging “flow”5. I now use a custom Progressive Web App to provide a better interface for quickly posting on-the-move to one or both of this blog and my personal Mastodon account, which I tested heavily during Bleptember.
Previous long streaks have sometimes been aided by pre-writing posts in bulk and then scheduling them to come out one-a-day6. I mostly don’t do that any more: when a post is “ready”, it gets published.
I didn’t want to make a “this is my 100th day of consecutive blogging” on the 100th day. That attaches too much weight to the nice round number. But I wanted to post to acknowledge that I’m going to make it to 100 days of consecutive blogging… so long as I can think of something worth saying tomorrow. I guess we’ll all have to wait and see.
1 Given that I’ve been blogging for over 26 years, that I’m still finding noteworthy blogging “firsts” is pretty cool, I think
2 My previous record “streak” was only 37 days, so there’s quite a leap there.
3 A massive 219 posts are represented over the last 99 days: that’s an average of over 2 a day!
4 This isn’t an attempt at #100DaysToOffload; I already achieved that this year as it does not require consecutive days. But it’s a cool challenge anyway.
5 My site’s backed by WordPress, but the mobile wp-admin
isn’t the best and
my site’s so-customised that apps like Jetpack mangle my metadata.
6 As you might now, I consider myself to be the primary audience for my blog: everybody else comes second. That’s why I don’t collect any webstats! When I used to collect webstats, I would sometimes pre-write and “schedule” posts, but without them it just feels pointless to do so!