@No Body:

Shouldn’t be difficult, although probably not necessary for most people either (the most-recent content is usually at the top, so as long as your RSS polling interval is frequent enough you won’t need to see what’s past-the-scroll). But –

The ideal way would be to use your browser’s debugger to decipher what happens when you scroll. Presumably there’s an ajax request for more data which comes probably either as HTML or JSON, which then gets rendered to the page. And then implement an (RSSey?) script to poll that (constructed) address a few times. I basically did this for my old Far Side RSS generator, for which multiple pages needed polling IIRC.

An alternative way would be to use RSSey to script the puppeteer-powered browser to scroll to the bottom, wait a bit, repeat as needed, then parse the contents.

You probably can’t handle infinite scroll using FreshRSS alone, though. But again: most folks probably wouldn’t need to!