Look at this: STS-6, a WordPress-powered sort of Spring ‘83 CMS! Incredible – and provocative, and inspiring. “Ah, so this is one important way a board could work…”

Let me excerpt a bit of what I wrote to its creator, Dan:

I’ll confess that I think maybe the cryptographic stuff is largely unnecessary – and we can just use the “authority” of a domain to certify that a board is what it says it is. Just like, uh, every other web server on the planet! Which means, really, the board is the thing. Maybe it was all along. I mentioned in my notes on the summer that the protocol specifier’s peril is complexity, the urge to show off… I absolutely succumbed, and, with the benefit of a bit of space & time, I think the protocol could be, believe it or not, much, MUCH simpler.

With that in mind, I wouldn’t say the sun is setting on Spring ‘83… or, maybe it is, but just like the real sun, it will rise again before too long. My own work on it has entered a period of dormancy, just because of other work/demands in my life, but I will get back to it in the new year. It remains “what I want from the internet”, which feels like it’s worth pursuing.