What do you mean with “resume” or “refresh”?

Do you resume/refreh the whole puzzle in jigidi?
You should only hit “play” (=continue) in the debugger, not “restart” or “refresh” in the puzzle or debugger.

1. You found the correct line
2. You mark the first line with “for (var…” (as you wrote)
3. You restart the puzzle in jigidi
4. Jigsaw runs 1/3 of the circle
5. You hit play
6. Jigsaw nearly runs the full circle
7. You un-mark the first line
8. You mark the second line
9. You hit play again, nothing seems to happen
10. You enter Y=K (from your example)
11. You hit play again, the pieces are stacked

play = the small triangle in the upper right corner of the debugger (firefox, chrome might be similar)