Yes it makes sense, but it’s very similar to “trolling” to incite a debate you aren’t willing to participate in. Whether or not it’s to everyone’s liking, the comment section is a place for debate, especially when the issue or following comments are contentious. To only partially participate is much more annoying that either abstaining or joining in.

What kind of interaction did you want? Should we each state our opinions, in whatever tone we feel appropriate, and then say “Ok, thanks everyone, same time next week?”

What does “in good faith” even mean? That you don’t want to hurt anyone? That you do really think what you’re saying, or that you think something similar that you don’t want to write out for whatever reason? It’s about as useful as saying “no offence intended”. Just because you don’t think or want what you’re saying to be discriminatory, doesn’t prove it isn’t. I know that you mean well, but that has nothing to do with whether your opinion is worth considering. What counts is your reasoning.

I accept that the internet is less than ideal for this sort of thing, but as far as debate goes I don’t see the point of saying things, particularly things that will get people’s backs up, if you can’t or won’t defend what you’ve said.