Point at Matt In The Hat, … “what he said!”

Not an urban legend! We do it here all the time at work when someone mixed the markers up again. However, it does sometimes take 2 or 3 times going over it. Of course, the removal is not ‘magic’, it’s just
that the solvent in whiteboard markers (which, if I remember correctly is triphenylethanol) is simply able to dissolve both
the ink in the permanent and non-permanent markers (I think that’s
because it’s probably the same ink).

Anyway, other good solvents are:

– acetone (if you don’t have it, try nail varnish remover, that’s mostly acetone). However, this might also dissolve the whiteboard (IKYN!) so try it on a corner first
– alcohol (if no medicinal or cleaning alcohol is present, vodka should work the same)