As I have a lot of free time in work I spend a lot of time reading stuff on the net. Not much of it holds my attention for long, and certainly not for as long as that piece. It was particularly surprising as when I see a long post on you blog I always assume it’ll be about something techie that I don’t understand.
Your sister must be a lot like you, I think the most intriguing part of the post was that she was more interested in where rabbits came from than where people come from. Or maybe that’s just my old, cynical brain thinking “surely rabbits aren’t that important?”

I was brought up in a similar way to yourself, although I never really asked questions about things like that. My mum and dad had me and my brother Christened despite being atheists/agnostics themselves (I’m not really sure. They might have just never thought about it). I think that this was because it was “the done thing” and they fancied a bit of a party. I was taught Scripture at school and, maybe because I’ve always had a lack of imagination, never really separated the stories that we heard there from the stories in the books that we read in english literature, or whatever it’s called at primary school level. That’s not to say that the Bible is as unbelievable as, say “James and the Giant Peach”, just that I didn’t believe either.
My best mate from home was one of the leading figures on the Christian Union at the university that he went to. I know that his religion brings him a lot of pleasure, and we’ve had many a debate in the pub about Christianity vs Scientific Evidence (I’m only using that term as I can’t think of a better one).

I only feel comfortable believing in things that I can see evidence for. And I can’t see any evidence for the existence of any gods. I can see evidence of evolution (having done A Level Geology we spent a lot of time looking at fossils) and I can follow the thought process of how life began on Earth following the “big bang” (well, as much as I understood of it from lectures in Aber).

Many of the religious people I know are very sensible people and for so many people to believe in a god there must be something in the stories that makes people separate them from “James and the Giant Peach” and devote so much time to their meaning. And there are obviously gaps in whichever theory people believe – for example “why are we here?” or even “why are rabbits here?” can not be answered by any scientific explanation, but this is the model that makes the most sense to me.

I do think that a belief in a god has its place in that it can bring a lot of pleasure to people’s lives, particularly for people that have been through difficult times. Any comfort that they can take has to be good, even if it is only that things will be better after they’ve passed on. It’s just not for me.

If your sister wrote down her rabbit creation theory and it was passed down through the generations I wonder if they’ll be teaching mucusism in scripture lesson in a few millennia.