I think time trundles on, and you become aware that the exact role of being a nightliner is something you do or did, and it remains there. However I do think you don’t (hopefully) lose some of the good spirit. Its easy to be paranoid, scared and sometimes just damn right confused. When the chips are down though they are a bunch of people who on the whole contain more good than bad, look after each other when things aren’t fun, and sometimes manage to say the most brilliant but absurd things are three in the morning.

I actually feel quite guilty. At least some of your suspicion of the union was almost certainly from my attitude and general approach – and for that I am genuinely sorry. I appreciate you weren’t trying to start a witch-hunt Ruth, but I think most people will know I am not exactly mr. pro-union around here.

The problem is that the Union are going to see themselves as the good guys in this. Its all nightline being suspicious, not trusting, not sharing, etc etc. They don’t see the “stabbed in back so many times we’ve lost count” – which does I think at least partially explain the org’s reluctance to jump everytime the union coughs.

I hope it all gets better. And I hope Dan writes a stats generator.

Oops. Did I say that out loud.

Kit ;)