First Class Film

Last week, I saw X-Men: First Class at the cinema with Ruth. The film was… pretty mediocre, I’m afraid… but another part of the cinemagoing experience was quite remarkable:

There’s a bit in the film where Xavier, then writing his thesis at Oxford University, and a CIA agent are talking. As they talk, they walk right through the middle of the Bodleian Library, right past my office. It’s not just Morse and Lewis and the Harry Potter films that make use of the Library (at great expense, I gather) for filming purposes! “That’s my office!” I squee’d, pointing excitedly at the screen.

Needless to say, the student-heavy audience cheered loudly at the presence of parts of Oxford that they recognised, too. It’s been a while since I was in a cinema where people actually cheered at what was going on. In fact, the last time will have been in the Commodore Cinema in Aberystwyth. But cinema-culture in Aberystwyth’s strange anyway.


  1. Sarah Sarah says:

    I actually quite liked it! (Except the bit where Xavier gets shot, I thought that was poor acting at best there!)

    However, it just became even more awesome knowing it was set in your workplace. I will have to rewatch it and squeal for you!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      You want… to squeal for me?

      There’s an offer that I don’t hear every day.

      1. Sarah Sarah says:

        Sure, why not.

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